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Jealous of younger women...

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Just not really interested in some long drawn-out question and answer session. My opinion on the subject has been stated, if you feel differently I'm sure the OP would love to hear what you have to say.

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Yup, afraid. Just as I thought.


Anyways morelaugh, it occurred to me you could do the same to your husband. Start staring at the young, virile guys in their twenties. I suspect it will make your husband a little cranky when he's invisible, too. :laugh:

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I think the problem is that your husband doesn't think you are sexy enough for him. And it doesn't have to do with your age. I know husbands who consider their forty-something wives to be the most beautiful and sexy women in the world, even though they are overweight. I think your husband contributes to your low self-esteem. Age is just a number! The way you feel about yourself contributes to the way you look. I wish you could forget about what your husband thinks and concentrate on your beautiful and gorgeous self, realise that you are unique, start feeling beautiful, feminine and sexy for yourself, not for your husband.

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Really? So you believe that a woman not in her tweenies, isn't hot stuff?

The probabilities are greater.

So, at what age do you consider women unattractive?
What ever he or anyone chooses. :rolleyes: The answer to this is extremely subjective.
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The probabilities are greater.

Subjective... Reliant on the individual male and their maturity level.

What ever he or anyone chooses. :rolleyes: The answer to this is extremely subjective.

Refer to my response above. I guess, there are enough of you that do have a preference for tweenies.

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Honey, why don't you just tell us what point you're trying to make.[/quote


Here, I'll take a stab at it. An "older" woman like me, would throw you to the curb.


I think that's the relevant point here.


Yours truly,


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Subjective... Reliant on the individual male and their maturity level.


Refer to my response above. I guess, there are enough of you that do have a preference for tweenies.

I certainly hope this isn't to painfully obvious:)

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.... or more like: jealous of my H's interest in them.


How do you deal with getting older… and not as good looking as you used to be?


I know that you should look the best you could.


But… I’m 45 and, although I look very good for my age, there is no way I can compete with hot 18 year olds. I still keep in shape and I’m still slim and I am still attractive and sexy and all that..., but I am not as firm as I used to be. In my case, a medical condition is keeping me from exercising more, but even if I was able to do it – younger women would still be much firmer and hotter. Sometimes, I even feel sorry for women my age who desperately try to keep fit an firm – it’s just a lost battle, you can never bring your youth back.

Gyms and solariums – how pathetic!


When I go out with my DH, he can’t help but look at hot young meat.

My feelings: why bother to stay slim and fit and sexy? I can NEVER compete with the girls he looks at, why should I bother at all?!


Disclaimer: I am not overweight or anything that could be harmful to my health.

I just lost any desire to be sexy for him.

If I can’t be more attractive to my H than a passing 20 yo, than… why on earth should I bother??


I like to hear other people’s opinion?

All replies are welcome.


He will always look at younger girls.. who cares?


You can also look at younger studs... right? Let him know that.


If he is not breaking his neck looking (which would be disrespectful) I wouldn't make a big fuss of it... just don't look at him when a hot girl goes by... simple.


And you know what, eventhough he looks at younger meat, that doesn't mean he doens't find you attractive. not at all..


I see this MM about once a month... He says he loves his wife very much but she refuses to have sex with him because she has gained a lot of weight and doesn't feel sexy anymore... He said he wished she wasn't like that because he doesn't mind her weight... She constantly says that she's not attractive, that she's fat, blablabla... she is menopausal and have a lot of mood swings... anyway... if he had sex more often, he wouldn't be with me... and I believe him. We often talk about his M... and I know he loves her very much... and he asks me for advices... so, when I say, I can help the M, sometimes, that's what I mean... He knows he can trust me.


So, you're wrong if you give up on him.. be sexy I'm sure he will appreciate it and you will not feel you need to compete.. this is ridiculous.. you don't HAVE to compete.

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I certainly hope this isn't to painfully obvious:)

No, no pain at all since it's non-threatening to me. I don't personally care what men want to look at but can't understand the fascination of a tweenie. I must admit that if I was with a man who constantly looked at tweenies, I would find it disgusting, instead of threatening.


Myself, I find tweeny males uninteresting as eye candy. Give me a mature man any day of the week.

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Thanks so much for your replies


I’ve been reading them regularly – the reason I haven’t posted is that I didn’t have much to say.


I’ve been listening to (very) different opinions and trying to figure something out.


Maybe in every woman’s life comes the time when she crosses the line from being a sexy gal to being a granny (well, if she lives long enough).

Maybe now is my time.

Maybe I’m tired of being young.

Maybe, subconsciously, I just want to get old and relax from all that pressure to look good.


I don’t know...

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