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How to confess...without confessing.

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My boyfriend gave me his work email password awhile back so I could get something from him while he was on the road. Since then I have checked his email every day and I can't stop.


I know I have to because it is simply fueling suspicion and turning me into a crazy person. If I keep looking I am certainly going to keep finding things that I don't like. Obviously this does me no good, because there is no way to talk about without him knowing I've invaded his privacy. It began as mere curiosity, not mistrust, but now it's just taken on a life of its own.


I did find an email about a specific topic that I had made him promise to tell me about. That was Monday. He hasn't said a word about it. Which of course it making me jump to all kinds of conclusions ("Why is he lying to me?"; "He promised to tell me"; "Wait, is it lying if he doesn't know I know about it?; "He must have a good reason not to tell me")


See? Maddening. I really must stop, but I don't know how. Is there any way to make him change his password? Help!

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You need to find something else to do every time you get the urge to snoop. If he was really up to something he wouldn't have trusted you with his email and password in the first place. It's just your overactive imagination making you believe that he's lying when he forgets to tell you about something. If you're that worried about that particular subject then just casually bring it up with him later. It's time to exercise some self control!

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