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Is she being overlay friendly or flirting?

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How do I know if this girl was just being friendly or was flirting? I know what flirting is, and it wasn't all out flirting, but it was something. But she acted the same (kind of) twds her good guy friends. This was the first time she and I ever hung out, so it would seem odd to me to be treating me like a guy friend....no?


So the other night I went out for a friend B-day party at a buddies bar. I get there and see that my friend is sitting with a very attractive girl. There isn't any room in the booth, so she moves over to make room for me (while my other girl/friend didnt move over at all). I've meet this girl maybe once or twice before years ago when my buddie and I were roommates. But back then she has brown hair and it was longer. I guess she recently had it cute and highlighted and it looked good.



So then her brother shows up with his girlfriend and I have to move in closer in the booth and basically have to put my arm around her (on the booth). And for the rest of the time at the bar she and I are very close to each other, she leans in from time to time very close to show me pictures on her camera, touchs my arm. I finally have to go to the bathroom so end up loosing my spot next to her. But when I return she and I exchange a few glances, and I then go up into the DJ booth to hang out with my buddie and play some songs and I notice that she is looking up in the booth a few times.



Then her roommate shows up, he's a guy and her best friend (he's also in a relationship) and she's talk to him instantly, and taking pictures with him. We then decide to go to another bar and on the way over she's taking pictures of her and her roommate while he's driving so she's leaning in etc etc. and while walking up to the bar they walk arm in arm. So I'm starting to wonder if she's just overly touchy and friendly.

We then get inside and I make sure I"m sitting next to her again, but I don't put my stool too close, kind of at the cornor of the table. I make a funny joke about a guy everyone was teasing her about and she jokingly says, "i'm mad at you, we're not talking." and then slapps me.

Then my buddie's ex shows up, and this girl hates this other girl, so she grabs my stool and pulls me right next to her. She says so this girl can't come over to talk to her. I then get up to go to the bathroom both as a joke and because I have to...and she starts saying no, where are you going, don't go. I get back and she slaps my arm and rubs it.


Anyway for the rest of the night, she and I are basically right next to each other, arms touching. She keeps leaning in to show me pictures of our friend that I've already seen. And then her roommate and her decide to go. The get up and I say you guys can't leave, you're going to leave me here....and they yeah, sorry. But then I notice that this girl is standing there waiting for a hug from me. I didn't notice so she say, "um, goodnight heartoutside." And I say, oh I'm sorry and I give her a nice hug and say have a goodnight and I'll you later. And that was that.


Later that night, my buddie says he's going to a BBQ on sunday and asks if I want to go. I ask is she going to be there? I don't remember her being so cute. And he replies, no she won't be there, but I've been after that forever, but I think you have a better chance.


So who knows, he said he would work on it for me. But I'm think I should just call her. I didn't get her number, I can easily.


So my question is, was she flirting or was she just acting like I was just one of the boys like she was doing with her roommate and my buddie?


I suck on first dates, I get totally nervous, I'm much better in group situations where it isn't loud (that's why I can't pick girls up in bars).


Any suggestions, or advice?

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