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Going NC

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I made the decision tonight to go NC with my MM. Nothing really happened to make me come to this except for the fact that I don't want to turn into an emotional basket case. I don't know how it will work. I've done it before but this time is so different. A lot more has happened between me and him. He asked me tonight why I put up with him and I couldn't answer. Right now he is using my cell phone because he can't find his. It's at his house, he used it at 11 then by 1 it was gone. Anyway, I have to see him to get my phone back tomorrow or the next day but after that I'm going to go for it. I can stay busy but I know he'll call or want to come over and I don't know how strong I'll be at that point. I want to talk to him about why I'm doing it but I feel like that will open up a conversation that will take me backwards. I may be able to talk to him about it in a few days.

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