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Is my ex for real or what

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Am so confused right now, my ex and I broke up over a year ago, now he comes around saying that he wants us to get back together. But I am very confused, for example we made love one evening then the next day he comes to visit me and ask me to spend the night with him, then he realized I was menstruating and said he did not want me over again, as he was feeling too hot and would not be able to do anything. He claims that he is still in love with me, he calls me alot on the phone but never goes out of his way to spend time with me, he would drop by my house for a five or ten minutes then he is off to hanging with his friends all day. I sometimes finish working at evenings and he never volunteers to pick me up from my job either. Get this after he realized I stop menstruating he wanted me to spend some time with him, and I told him NO cause to me it seems that all he is after is just sex. He started to rant and rave saying that am not really interested in him because my cell phone is always ringing and that is disrespectful, so I said well am single at this moment what do you expect, don't you think I will have friends calling me as well. He then started to mention all sort of issues that occurred when we were together, and am just here wondering is he for real or what. He has now gone away for a month and just before he he tells me he would like me to wait for him and things will be different when he gets back. Guys I honestly need advice do You think am holding on in vain, or am settling for too little. PLEASE BE HONEST, I AM VERY MUCH OPEN TO CRITICISM.

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Girl, I think you deserve much more than that. You need to know where you stand with ur ex and to me it looks like he just wants you for sex. I know exactly how you feel, you care about him and dont want to end your friendship with him, but that doesnt mean he should treat you like ****. I bet you felt totally used after toy slept with him and left. You have feelings too. You need to be with someone that makes you feel special, wanted and loved. Dont put up with any crap from this guy. Sit down with him and tell him exactly what you've said in this thread. Tell him its either he takes you for who you are including when you are menstruating or he can forget it and should loose your number. No one can tell you what to do girl, we can only advice you. Goodluck

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Tell him to go fly kite! He's using you, sweetie and you know it!


If he really loves you (like he oh-so-claims), he'd be with you during your menstrual! Just to spend some time together - doesn't necessarily "spend time together" mean "sex". Which is what he is all about.

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