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Ive been likeing this boy ever since the begining of the school year. I have also been noticing hes been more interested in me. Like making me try to laugh in classes purposely and teasing me(not in an offensive way) like locking me into classrooms and making funny faces. He also for some reason appears near me or looking at me.He pays more attention to me and my friends have agreed. I told one of his friends the way hes been acting near me and he told me when hes not in my classes, he just talks about me over and over it irritates others. Does he like me?

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First off, Ignore Tony's response...he's a dork.


This boy probably does like you, but just doesn't know how to show it. Most guys don't know how to show their affection for women until they are old and grey...if ever.


Just how old are you and this boy? I am going to safely assume somewhere around 14 or 15. At that age boys usually do funny things to get girls attention. Just be nice to him and show him that you like him too! Don't be affraid to ask him out if you are allowed to date, guys like it when girls make the first move!


And chances are that if he talks to his guy friends about you then he REALLLLLLLY likes you too! Guys usually don't talk about girls that they like to their friends at that age.



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