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Horrible Mess


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My life lately has been a disaster. My mother, is sick(mentally) and shes very weird to me. We never have anything in common, my mom is very selfish, and sometimes i wish i can live with my grandparents. My mom is very strict and puts very much pressure on me so more likely if she tells me something to do i wont do it. I never want to feel close to my mother cause she will get very immature. Just recently, she got in a car accident 3 times this year and its all HER fault! I blow up on my mom every single day. I am wondering if I am suffering through depression or anything

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You blow up on your mother every day and you wonder why there is a problem? You have no respect for your mother or yourself. I suggest you learn how to treat people and you will be treated better yourself. If I was a parent of yours and told you to do something reasonable and you didn't do it, you would be more miserable than you are now!!!

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Has your mother had an official psychiatric evaluation for you to say that she is mentally sick? If not, what makes you think she is mentally sick. Nothing in your post suggest that she is clinically mental. How is your mother selfish? How is your mother strict? How does she put pressure on you? Could you explain it more?

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Your mother will always be your mother and they never change. If you mother was not mentally ill you may (or may not) still have posted about something else that bothers you about yoru mother.


I found for me accepting my family, including my mom....I grew up in a very strict italian home...im almost 30, married and live 45 min away from my mother and she still calls me multiple times a day....LOL


If you accept those in your life for who they are...if you accept their faults, their illnesses, their weaknesses- once you accept them you can use the energy you used to use on anger into positive energy to built your mother daughter relationship into something wonderful...


Granted this is hard to do..but once you do it will be well worth it...


Ask yourself, if you were the one who was mentally ill would your mother make it harder for you or do everything possible to make it easier for you..... Probably the latter.... Tryt o be supportive of her, be there, love her, some day she will not be around and you will miss what you had and possibly feel bad about your relationship.

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OMG -- have you seen "My Big Fat Greek Wedding" yet? I swear, it's the story of every family I've known, even though the ethnicity differs from family to family. There's Daddy, Who Likes To Think He's Head Of His Family; then Mama, who conspires with her children behind their father's back to try to find a happy medium for her family without giving Daddy a heart attack; and the hundreds of siblings and cousins in a family who all think they need to direct your life because they're so dang nosy.


The whole point of the movie is that even though families can drive you nuts, they're still yours and you can make the best of it once you realize that.

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Have you thought that maybe she does and says things because she loves you? Wants to protect you? Wants to keep you from making the same mistakes she made? Wants to help you develop the tools necessary to make good decisions in your life?


Have you also realized that whatever you are thinking and feeling, at whatever age you are, your mother felt all those same things too!


Why not try doing the things she tells you? The things that help us most, make us better people, and are best for us are the things that are hardest to do and often things we don't see for ourselves, so we have to rely on and trust someone else to help us - that is what your mother is doing. Buck up and respect her.

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here's a good way to show someone family is important (it's not the number one reason that family is valuable, but i find that it works when you tell people this):


Right now, you have friends and maybe a boyfriend and surely many guys are interested in you. Imagine tomorrow, you get into an accident and lose a leg.


Who's going to take care of you then? Your mother!

Your friends will lose interest because you can no longer join them when they go out or play sports (sure, they'll call once in a while, but do you really think they'll do more than that?); guys are not likely to go after a one-legged girl...


So who can you rely on? ONLY your FAMILY! They're the only people in the world who will care about you no matter WHAT happens to you!


that's one concrete reason why your family is VERY important. as you grow older, you will see many more, better reasons for it as well.


now take care & try and have a better relationship with your mom. best of luck!



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