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to be or not to be?

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Last year i hooked up witha guy who had a girlfriend and i didn't know it. throughout the year i would see him at parties adn of course we would talk to eachother and one thing would lead to another adn we would hook up but never have sex. he claimed he liked me. but the only time i would see him was at parties and it wast\nt just hook up and then leave we would acutally have logical conversations. well his g/f broke up with him and i saw him recently he said to me that he really liked me adn then later on said why don tyou call me and i said i didn have his number and he said well ill prolly see you soon anyway


the thing is what does this mean.. obviously he is rebounding but ive known him for the past year and he has said before he liked me.. should i give him space but still be flirty with him or should i just get him out of my mind. he and his gf dated for years soo it coud tak ehim a while to get over. please tell me what you think he is thinking .. oh and should i dare call him ?

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I would continue to be flirty with him, but in the back of my mind, like you said he's just rebounding. Yeah he may have said in the past that he liked you, this and that, but remember, he just got out of a relationship. And how did you find out that he wasn't no longer in a relationship. Cause if he told you, you need to ask him why did he continue to be flirtatious with you and telling you that he likes you if he had a girlfriend. This would put a question in my mind if I was you and was in a relationship with this guy, because there wouldn't be no telling if he would do that to someone else. You know what I mean?

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he told me as welll as otehrs taht i was the first girl he cheated on his girlfriend with and one of his friends said wow he must think you are really pretty and he must realy like you to cheat on his girlfriend

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oh and should i dare call him ?


Do what you wish....but since he basically cheated on his girlfriend, what makes you think he'll be faithful to you?

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Last year i hooked up witha guy who had a girlfriend

If you did hook up with him what would make you think he would not do the same to you? Not sure if anyone else can see it but to me this guy sounds like a red flag.

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he said well ill prolly see you soon anyway


what does this mean.


It means he's not into you enough to make any effort whatsoever to actually get to know you better and be with you unless you make it really easy for him and fall onto his penis.


You may like him, but he's not exactly doing cartwheels to be your boyfriend. Make NO effort whatsoever to fall onto his penis.

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