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I'm getting mixed feelings. Does he like me, or no?

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Edit. The topic should read "mix signals, not feelings" haha


When I started talking to this guy online, he said he was starting to like me (even after like 2 days, but we talked like 8 hours a day between the 2). We hung out, and he paid for my lunch and I thought everything was cool, but he didn't even try and hug me, or hold my hand. Before we met, we had talked of seeing a movie but there weren't any good ones playing, but he asked me if I'd cuddle with him during the movie. And he even asked me what I thought of him, potentionally and I told him it would be awesome to be friends, but if something more happens, then cool.


Although when we were in one of the stores he tried to tickle me and then when we were sitting in his car driving back to my car from the other mall, he kept poking me in my stomach. And when we were in the car he kept touching my arm or leg and pointing out a "Cruiser Bruiser" or "Slug Bug". I wouldn't think a guy would do that sort of stuff if he didn't like you, but my friend was sort of shocked that he didn't at least hug me. And I didn't try anything because I didn't know what his comfort zone was.


And he's told me he's a pretty forward person, and that in past relationships girls thought he moved too quick (most of his relationships only lasted for 2 months, but he had one lasting for a year), even though he claims to being introverted. Is possible that because of the backlash in past relationships he could be trying to take it as slow as possible? Before we had met up, I had mentioned a concert that was like an hour or so from him, and told him I'd be there, and he said he may go (even though he doesnt listen to the band), and I asked him again last night, he was like, "probably, we'll see".


I'm thinking it might be too soon for him to tell anything, but he's kind of giving me the impression that he does like me, but on the other hand.. some instances I think he just wants to be friends. Any thoughts?

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