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Where are all the gentlemen? Ladies we were fooled!!!

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Ok, laugh all you want! As for you, I've only noticed your accent with certain words. Otherwise you don't really have any accent..just like me.:p

Hahaha...spoilsport. None of that compromise stuff. :laugh:

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burning 4 revenge
unders, you can't make me... I like the letter U. It enhances my textual diction.

so do you say things like aboot instead of about and stuff?

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I love you too, darlin'. :laugh:


No, I meant I love the letter "U":laugh: You're cute..fun to tease.


Night all!

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Oh and one more thing..you hush now with the "darlin'" stuff. Don't think that went passed me! It shore 'nuff didn't, you hear?

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No, I meant I love the letter "U":laugh: You're cute..fun to tease.


Night all!

Ahahahahaa...and so it goes...


Night, night!

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Oh and one more thing..you hush now with the "darlin'" stuff. Don't think that went passed me! It shore 'nuff didn't, you hear?

"sho' nuff", y'all understand?

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I'm from the south, although they call Florida the transplanted south. I'm a native of the state and I hold the door open for women, will ask an elderly lady if she needs assistance if I see her struggling (I will be helping her while I'm asking) I hold the chair out for my wife and stand on the outside of the sidewalk when we are walking to protect her from whatever may come from the street. I am 41 years old and I still say ma'am to even a young woman when i am doing repairs at their home ( I'm an Information Technology technician). In other words I respect women. I am a little hard on them when I come here and they have been unfaithful and refuse to accept responsibility, but that is because I have such high regard for women and seeing one behave unseemly takes me aback. I too have a southern accent that people sometimes say sounds somewhat carribean:confused:

Women are the most beautiful creation God ever made, besides His son of course. A beautiful woman with a beautiful personality is the ultimate definition of beauty. So yes, I'm an old fashioned gentleman from the south. I don't smoke drink or do drugs. We are still out here!

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This is the thing that upsets me i fit what you ask for in a man and all that but i have the hardest time getting a women


You're probably going after girls not women. Girls find men like you boring and unexciting. Women don't.

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Girls find men like him boring and womenare too bitter against men to love any man at all and will eat somebody like him alive.

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You're probably going after girls not women. Girls find men like you boring and unexciting. Women don't.

where are the women??? i alwasy just get stepped on and run over :(

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Girls find men like him boring and womenare too bitter against men to love any man at all and will eat somebody like him alive.


There you go again. PUH-LEE-ZE, I haven't eaten my "gentleman" up yet. Why can't you stop with the generalizations? It's too bad you had so many abnormal women in your life but please...there are many good women out there. Your wife is not so rare. There are many good women out there who appreciate a nice man who treats us well.

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where are the women??? i alwasy just get stepped on and run over :(


What age group are you dating? Are they under 30 or 35? Good women are out there. And you'll only get stepped on and run over, if you allow yourself to be.

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There you go again. PUH-LEE-ZE, I haven't eaten my "gentleman" up yet. Why can't you stop with the generalizations? It's too bad you had so many abnormal women in your life but please...there are many good women out there. Your wife is not so rare. There are many good women out there who appreciate a nice man who treats us well.


Of course women like that exist. I found one of the five that are left.

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I agree with Touche,

Women will only go as far as you let them. Girls (and I do say Girls) in their 20's aren't really ready for comittment, even though they think they are. They still are in the party mode for the most part. Trying to tie one down, so to speak and have a relationship, although not impossible will prove to be a big task. Women in their 30's are ready for some mature nice man to come along and treat her like a woman.

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I agree with Touche,

Women will only go as far as you let them. Girls (and I do say Girls) in their 20's aren't really ready for comittment, even though they think they are. They still are in the party mode for the most part. Trying to tie one down, so to speak and have a relationship, although not impossible will prove to be a big task. Women in their 30's are ready for some mature nice man to come along and treat her like a woman.


Yes, exactly. It's really true.


And Wog, there are more than five women like your wife and like me. You need to get out more!;)

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  • 2 weeks later...
What age group are you dating? Are they under 30 or 35? Good women are out there. And you'll only get stepped on and run over, if you allow yourself to be.

i am 24 age aint nothing but a number

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Ok I know it probably sounds crazy, I really don't care anyway, I think back to when I was young and how my friends and I watched all the beautiful fairy tales and secretly dreamed one day of meeting our own knight in shining armor to be with and "live happily ever after". Back to reality with a rude awakening. I'm not posting this to bash men, I just want to make that clear. Anyway do "gentlemen exist"? I know not all women are saints but I know many women that are good people,good mothers,loyal wives that have morals. Anyway I rarely ever come across any guy that's decent. Basically every man I know even the men in my family either drinks or does drugs,cheats on they're wife or girlfriend, is obsessed with porn and perfect/fake lookin women, is materialistic, or just has some major issue!!! I apolgize if I offended anyone but I'm just sharing my personal experience and I would actually like to hear some good stories about good men, it might give me some hope.


I missed this topic for a few days. I think it's really pretty humorous. I'm an old geezer, 57 years old. Successful in business, financially secure, no diseases, drink 2/3d's of a bottle of 18 year old Scotch a year and pride myself in being a gentleman. Was married to one woman who I loved and treated like a goddess for 25 years, 23 of which she had a BF on the side (off and on).


Heck, I even helped my ex wife move into her love nest/apartment when our divorce was final.


I noticed when I was married and had lots of exposure to my ex's friends plus mutual friends that women absolutely resent gentlemen. Furthermore most women I knew had very little interest in the "good" guys, ie. men without drug/alch. addiction, good jobs, no neg. contact with the law, didn't beat or cheat on women etc.


50% of the women I was in contact with were interested in the "outdoor" types. Roofers, framers, contractors, construction workers who drank hard, drugged hard, cheated, lied and were unemployed 1/2 the time, while collecting their spousal abuse charges and DUI's. Presumably those men "fornicated" hard as well.


Marriages or shack up's lasted a few years and a couple of kids, and then the cycle repeated itself. Nothing much has changed in 20 years either.


I see presumably nice women (not girls) with men who drive old pickup's filled with tools, who work sporadicly. When they aren't working they are living off the women who go to work everyday, have relationships with their kids and sometimes grandkids, while still taking care of themselves. When the men aren't working they are "looking for work" at the local bars and casino's, hitting on the waitress's spending their womens money.


Nice guys usually finish last. A gentleman isn't grabbing a woman breast on a first date, or getting smashed expecting sex as payment for the last dinner he will ever buy her.


I've figured out that nice guys are plain and boring. In this day and age it isn't going to change either. Women don't want "nice guys" they want exciting men. The excitement lasts a few weeks.


How many "nice men" do you know that have been married 3+ times? How many "nice ladies" do you know that have been married 5+ times? That's a question you will all have to answer for yourselves.

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I certainly don't think shows like NBC datelines "to catch a predator" help the male gentleman view at all. Ages range, economics range, and even educational levels range amongst these 'caught' men. Additionally most of these men interviewed by the police claim to have wives, pregnant girlfriends, and children that they fear will find out about their predator status via the airing. Sickening to the stomach.:sick:

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I missed this topic for a few days. I think it's really pretty humorous. I'm an old geezer, 57 years old. Successful in business, financially secure, no diseases, drink 2/3d's of a bottle of 18 year old Scotch a year and pride myself in being a gentleman. Was married to one woman who I loved and treated like a goddess for 25 years, 23 of which she had a BF on the side (off and on).


Heck, I even helped my ex wife move into her love nest/apartment when our divorce was final.


I noticed when I was married and had lots of exposure to my ex's friends plus mutual friends that women absolutely resent gentlemen. Furthermore most women I knew had very little interest in the "good" guys, ie. men without drug/alch. addiction, good jobs, no neg. contact with the law, didn't beat or cheat on women etc.


50% of the women I was in contact with were interested in the "outdoor" types. Roofers, framers, contractors, construction workers who drank hard, drugged hard, cheated, lied and were unemployed 1/2 the time, while collecting their spousal abuse charges and DUI's. Presumably those men "fornicated" hard as well.


Marriages or shack up's lasted a few years and a couple of kids, and then the cycle repeated itself. Nothing much has changed in 20 years either.


I see presumably nice women (not girls) with men who drive old pickup's filled with tools, who work sporadicly. When they aren't working they are living off the women who go to work everyday, have relationships with their kids and sometimes grandkids, while still taking care of themselves. When the men aren't working they are "looking for work" at the local bars and casino's, hitting on the waitress's spending their womens money.


Nice guys usually finish last. A gentleman isn't grabbing a woman breast on a first date, or getting smashed expecting sex as payment for the last dinner he will ever buy her.


I've figured out that nice guys are plain and boring. In this day and age it isn't going to change either. Women don't want "nice guys" they want exciting men. The excitement lasts a few weeks.


How many "nice men" do you know that have been married 3+ times? How many "nice ladies" do you know that have been married 5+ times? That's a question you will all have to answer for yourselves.



I actually kinda agree with you, some of my friends are like this they only want the bad boys that look cool or whatever! I prefer a different kinda guy! I myself don't drink or do drugs and would prefer a guy that doesn't. To me the men you are describing aren't exciting but annoying!!!

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