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There is this new job I have started in this company and this woman begun flirting with me. She gave comments about my hair? She even went to the extent of touching my head as I was waiting my lunch to warm up.


We don't eat lunch in the same area but whenever she comes into my department she has to say some thing to me. Others are not like that and she doesn't behave towards others similarly. I don't know if she is kind of flirting with me or she is just being friend.

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First, find out your company's policy on fraternization between employees. Also, I'm assuming neither of you is in a superior/subordinate relationship with the other.


If all of the above is okay, and if you're interested in her, then flirt back in a subtle way. See how she reacts. And if she keeps it up, suggest casually that you and she grab a beer after work one evening to unwind. That should tell you everything you need to know.

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Sounds like she's flirting, and since you've noted that she does not behave this way towards any one else, I'd say its pretty likely.

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