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Jealousy over Gaming - Second Life?

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I am the fiance of Bunta Babe.


I haven't truly read all the comments but I've seen a few and I find it ridiculous that there are some real fools here, obviously without no real life of there own, to be able to comment so passionately about someone else life such as my own. Firstly, to the fools that are so fast to tarnish me, how sad is it that, you feel you can comment on me and about me after reading a short paragraph of the situation from only one of the affected people? YOU ARE TRUE FOOLS WITH BIG MOUTHS.


If I were you I wouldn't be worried about what people are saying about you & more about the way you are making your partner feel.


I am however, becoming extremely frustrated at the feeling of no trust, which i dont deserve. its driving a wedge between us and i feel hurt because of this. I often feel the lack of trust is pushing me to maybe rebel.


Can't you see you are part of the reason that there is a wedge between the two of you? Maybe you both need to voice your opinions & worries & come to an decision between the two of you.


But honestly, how can she trust you when you lash out when she tells you her wories by Bunta_babe: he told me that he was going to ask this women to be his partner in Second Life, because my jealously has gone out of control That is childish & just makes her worries worse.

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