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Stressing out

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I feel so stressed it feels like my head is going to explode.


I'm 20 years old and currently seeking for a job. I have no qulifications which helps none at all.


I am very bad at maths, so working in a shop would not be good.


Going back to school will not help as I dont have enough money to do a course, plus what course can I study to get me where I want to go in life?


I have applied for a few crappy jobs but I hear nothing back, I mainly ring places, they send me an aplication form then thats all I hear from them after sending a filled in application form.


My CV and Resume is not good.


I have just recently come home from a 6 month vacation traveling around the BC and Alberta in Canada.


I keep crying a lot as I am heartbroken that my LDR did not work out the way I hoped it would.


My ex walked back into my life again after a 2 month nc saying he wants me back.


I am stressing myself too much to the point my whole body aches.

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How are your word processing skills? How about some form of secretarial position, where you don't necessarily need math to do the job? Have you tried applying at Temp Agencies?

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When I didn't know what I wanted to do with myself, I actually took a position at my college that was in the library where I worked as a student. Then after that, I went to a temp agency and took an admin job. Then while doing the admin work, I changed career paths and became a software tester. So, you never know where you can be led. Just try to open yourself up to ideas.

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I'm hoping to apply as a training military nurse. There seems to be a lot of benifits to the position and I hear a lot of people who join in the military enjoy it. I hopefully wont be in harms way as I will be in the nursing part which is further away and taken care of.

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