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The "Good Guy" Update

chill chic

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CC, you really really do need some girlfriends don't you?!!


What are you interested in besides your job? Maybe you could sign up for a nightclass or something that will get you out of the house, and doing something that you are interested in, as well as helping you meet new people with similar interests.


Maybe you could join a womens sports team?


yah I do, I only have 4 reallllllly good girlfriends, but I could use some more most definitely. I'll have to think about other hobbies I can do, that cost very little, but meet new people. my cousin asked me if I wanted to play on her sports team so I just might do that!

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I think you should DEFINITELY take your cousin up on her offer.



Its exactly what you need. And you should make time to meet your pals at least once a week, even if its just for dvds and popcorn at someones house.

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yah I do, I only have 4 reallllllly good girlfriends, but I could use some more most definitely. I'll have to think about other hobbies I can do, that cost very little, but meet new people. my cousin asked me if I wanted to play on her sports team so I just might do that!


Sometimes 4 is all you need. :) It's about quality, not quantity.

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Well, my life is definitely not spiraling out of my hands. I am freakishly responsible and very much in control of every aspect of my life at present, to the point where I really wish I had more people to delegate my responsibilities to! :lmao: If anything, I have too much control already, simply by virtue of my profession, lifestyle, commitments and position within certain organizations, etc.


Anyway, what you're sensing isn't a "control need" - it's just straight up irritation at watching CC make the same mistake over and over and over again and drive herself in circles.


Naw, I wasnt talking about you. Whys it always about you?? LOL... No I was referring to CC.


My point was that I know your seeing alot of a younger you... but I am certain that there are some differences at play. I dont think a cage rattling is the answer. Less blunt force trauma!

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Sometimes 4 is all you need. :) It's about quality, not quantity.


yep they are my best friends, even though they aren't in the same group, I have more opportunity to meet other people that way too.

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Naw, I wasnt talking about you. Whys it always about you?? LOL... No I was referring to CC.


I'm confused, you said: "SG... Did you ever have control issues?"


My point was that I know your seeing alot of a younger you... but I am certain that there are some differences at play. I dont think a cage rattling is the answer. Less blunt force trauma!


I'm not the only one saying this...why are you focusing on me?

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I sooooooooooooooo want to reply to that last message he sent, and say "I should've known THAT awhile back" or when he jokingly called himself to a pig, yah I should've called him on it then. :rolleyes:


I know I know, revenge like that isn't the answer.

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I sooooooooooooooo want to reply to that last message he sent, and say "I should've known THAT awhile back" or when he jokingly called himself to a pig, yah I should've called him on it then. :rolleyes:


I know I know, revenge like that isn't the answer.


But it sure feels good sometimes!

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I'm confused, you said: "SG... Did you ever have control issues?"


I'm not the only one saying this...why are you focusing on me?


Yeah, I did address you directly... because I wanted to know where your coming from. But the following post was written in terms of me talking to you about her. I apologize for not bieng clearer.


I assume others will read this. I'm focusing on you because you "get it", and your words seem to carry a little more weight!

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ok this is kinda way off the subject, but I have a quote on my myspace that says "better than your ex, better than your next" which could mean many different things, but is that kinda branding me in some sort of way? I just thought it was funny.

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ok this is kinda way off the subject, but I have a quote on my myspace that says "better than your ex, better than your next" which could mean many different things, but is that kinda branding me in some sort of way? I just thought it was funny.



Did you write this about yourself?

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ok this is kinda way off the subject, but I have a quote on my myspace that says "better than your ex, better than your next" which could mean many different things, but is that kinda branding me in some sort of way? I just thought it was funny.


Yes. It brands you as being one of many, if only because you're stating quite plainly that there will be women after you. It sounds like you're willing to stand in line and will accept being kicked out of it once he's done.

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Yes. It brands you as being one of many, if only because you're stating quite plainly that there will be women after you. It sounds like you're willing to stand in line and will accept being kicked out of it once he's done.


yah I don't want that!!


but this URL I made awhile back, I wish I could change :(


it says"longlegs007" because my cousin called me that when I was at a wedding and people were saying how tall I got to be since some hadn't seen me in awhile, the 007 part is because I'm an agent, so I thought it was cute.

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ok this is kinda way off the subject, but I have a quote on my myspace that says "better than your ex, better than your next" which could mean many different things, but is that kinda branding me in some sort of way? I just thought it was funny.


Try changing it to something more like...


"I believe in dragons, good men, and other fantasy creatures."


Ive had a couple that I thought were funny but TOTALLY bombed!

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Interesting thread here.


I know the conventional wisdom is to ignore this guy if you ever hear back from him and don't reach out to him if you don't...


You know, I always tried to take the high road and never let an ex see me angry/upset/affected by how bad he treated me... and you know what? Sometimes I still regret not giving two of my exes in particular an earful. Sure, I never made a fool of myself, but I also never let them know how much they hurt me and what huge jack*sses they were.


So... to me there is sometimes an argument for giving a guy a tongue lashing if he deserves it.


In this situation the trick would be for CC to deliver the message and then SLAM! the door shut, not being swayed or moved by ANYTHING he said.

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Interesting thread here.


I know the conventional wisdom is to ignore this guy if you ever hear back from him and don't reach out to him if you don't...


You know, I always tried to take the high road and never let an ex see me angry/upset/affected by how bad he treated me... and you know what? Sometimes I still regret not giving two of my exes in particular an earful. Sure, I never made a fool of myself, but I also never let them know how much they hurt me and what huge jack*sses they were.


So... to me there is sometimes an argument for giving a guy a tongue lashing if he deserves it.


In this situation the trick would be for CC to deliver the message and then SLAM! the door shut, not being swayed or moved by ANYTHING he said.

I see no reason to withhold a good lashing but there are a number of factors involved. As cc divulges some of his previous comments, it's fairly obvious that he had no respect for her as a person and she accepted the treatment.


The other part would be, IF she could leave the door slammed shut. It's not easy to do if you're unaccustomed to asserting yourself or you have a lot of interest in someone.

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ok so I got a new headliner because I'm looking forward to a different "light" so to speak.


I like this one:"if it's anything in life your strive for, strive for success"


meaning, make the most of yourself, before anyone else, despite any relationship problems, etc. does that sound snobby though? or does it sound smart? because that is my #1 goal for myself right now.

I was gonna put "success is the sweetest revenge" but that might sound vengeful.

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cc, what kind of success are you striving for?


my career, I want to own my own insurance agency and sell homes also. I'm currently an insurance agent for an owned agency, and I'm about to be licensed in real estate as well.

you probably wouldn't think that just because I'm a mess in my relationships and myself, but that's about the only thing that is going for me right now, so I want to work hard at it. I like feeling accomplished.

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"If there's something in your life to strive for, strive for success".


I reworded it a bit.


ah good, yah that sounds better ;)

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oh and I dropped that guy to the bottom of my friend's list, I didn't want to make it too obvious, but it's a subtle slap. or I'll just take him completely off.


well I'll give an up date if I do ever hear from him, I'm sure it will be some sarcastic bs though :rolleyes:

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