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I just figured out what made me fall in love

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I was being introspective tonight and I just thought of something. I know I can come across as a misogynist ******* but I do have a sensitive and loving side. There is a romantic in me and she is the first woman ever that loved that side of me. They say music soothes the savage beast but she soothes the savage heart. When I showed that side of me to my ex it was thrown back in my face so I thought I had killed it for good after we split. I had a brief fling with a woman in between marriages and she loved the ******* I had become even though she was a self professed manhater that loved to leave men broken and emotionally battered. I was a challenge to her and she was to me. The sex was great because we took our hatred of each other out in the bedroom. We went to war between those sheets and waited to see who would flinch and fall in love. She fell in love and I left her heartbroken which at the time felt great. I had left a manhating feminazi crying on the floor and in my mind I was getting revenge on every woman that ever wronged me. Now I realize how sick and twisted the whole thing was but it was a temporary high.


When I first met my wife I had full intentions of doing the same thing to her. She was an older woman and I was going to seduce her. I wanted to get her in bed as another notch in my belt but when I actually got to know her I start falling in love. That romantic in me started coming back to life.

She woke up something in me that I thought was long dead and gone. I didn't even think I was capable of feeling this way about a woman again but she knocked me for a loop and I am glad she did. She nurtures the caring and sensitive side in me.

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