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signs of a guy that may hurt her

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Hey there,


I have a question…


One of my bf’s friends is dating a girl now for over a year – us girls in the group really like her – she is sweet, caring and lots of fun.

Her bf is a nice guy, funny but he seems to be a big story teller and not very nice at times.


He talks out loud when his gf isn’t around infront of the guys and us other girls about how he want to go here and get laid and do this and stuff that I know if he really did would really hurt his gf.


So my question is….is there anyway of really telling if he would cheat on her or any way of maybe telling that he wont?


I wish it was my place to say something to her to protect her from getting hurt – but since we don’t know if he has done anything it isn’t my place…


What things would lead you to believe a guy wouldn’t cheat?

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Get a voice-activated recorder from Wal-Mart or something and stick it somewhere unnoticeable next time he comes around and she's not with you guys. Then play it for her.




<3 Z of the She-Woman Man-Haters

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