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I'm Going To Be A Mom!!! (Again)

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And I am scared to death. Funny how already having several kids awakens someone to the realities of having another one.


Anyone having any morning sickness remedies they'd like to share about now?

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Congratulations! Yet another expecting LSer :bunny:.



Sorry to hear that your having morning sickness, that is such a pain to deal with. I used Diclectin for morning sickness, and it works like a charm. It was such a relief to finally get a precription for it.

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Congrats NID! You and AC are going to be sharing some neat stories in the near future.


Join a yoga class for pregnant women, that will keep your body, mind and soul peaceful.

Once you get past the morning sickness. Hope that passes soon...And sorry I don't have any remedies for that one as I've never been pregnant before.

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hey, congratulations! The morning sickness is a bummer, so I hope the rest of the pregnancy goes super-smooth. :love::love::love:


I've never been pregnant, but I have heard that keeping crackers on hand and eating them before you get out of bed will help absorb the extra fluid in your stomach that builds up. Not sure what you do if it's severe or long-term morning sickness, you might want to double check with the doc for that.

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Congrats !!!!! The cracker thing really does work , just stay in bed and eat them untill any nausea is gone then get out of bed slowly.

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And I am scared to death. Funny how already having several kids awakens someone to the realities of having another one.


Anyone having any morning sickness remedies they'd like to share about now?

Congrats to you..It's nice to read a happy post..It's been 16 years since I was preggers, but nibbling on saltines always worked for me! Good Luck! ood

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Everyone's pregrant around here.


HAH! I just want to be exposed to that risk on a more regular basis! :laugh:

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Everyone's pregrant around here.


HAH! I just want to be exposed to that risk on a more regular basis! :laugh:


That's the spirit. :laugh:

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Thanks, all. Where I live, there is a pregnancy virus in the water, I swear.


The crackers thing, I do eat them in the morning, but they do nothing for me. I hate crackers, mind you. So after three or four of them, I'd rather throw up anyway. LOL.


With each pregnancy my morning sickness gets worst. I don't know if its because I am older, or because I am fatter. Or because I already am really tired chasing the ones I already have around.


Needless to say, I can't wait until school starts.


And yeah, even though it was totally unexpected and I am feeling overwhelmed (I am a natural born worrier), I think its happy news too.


I am just hoping its not the twins that we have managed to dogde the other times as they run on BOTH sides of the family for us.


I need some encouragement, y'all. Can anyone post something encouraging about kids and families? You know, just in case it IS twins..

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Congratulations to you! :)


I have heard ginger tea helps with feeling sick. My sister drank that while she was pregnant and she said it helped her. I'm not sure if anything really takes away morning sickness 100%, but might help with it some. :)

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I think I heard that about ginger tea, too.


Can anyone post something encouraging about kids and families?

I've always felt that babies were a sign from heaven that all is right with the world. Twins? Then you're doubly blessed in that sense! ;)

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I had morning sickness quite bad with my last child, the first two the crackers worked but not my last, with her I used anise seed tea, you can get the seeds at a health food store (they are relitively cheap) then just pour boiling water over a teaspoon of the seed, let sit for a min, then sip it, you can sip on it all day or whenever needed. The only problem with it is if you can't stand the taste of black licorice then you woun't like the tatse, but it works really really well.


I had a friend that found the perscrption her doctor gave her made her really tired and she had a toddler running around so i sugessted the anise seeds and she said it did more for her than the perscription. But everyone is different, and will respond different to each thing.


Ginger and perppermint tea work great when you feel nasuated. But I would keep the ginger to the min. while pregnant as it heats your whole body, which is good for you but you bodys cardio is already working over time while pregnant.

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Thanks, all. Where I live, there is a pregnancy virus in the water, I swear.


The crackers thing, I do eat them in the morning, but they do nothing for me. I hate crackers, mind you. So after three or four of them, I'd rather throw up anyway. LOL.


With each pregnancy my morning sickness gets worst. I don't know if its because I am older, or because I am fatter. Or because I already am really tired chasing the ones I already have around.


Needless to say, I can't wait until school starts.


And yeah, even though it was totally unexpected and I am feeling overwhelmed (I am a natural born worrier), I think its happy news too.


I am just hoping its not the twins that we have managed to dogde the other times as they run on BOTH sides of the family for us.


I need some encouragement, y'all. Can anyone post something encouraging about kids and families? You know, just in case it IS twins..

Hey! Have ya tried those wristbands..Sort of like a accupunture type thing w/out the puncture! My sis swore by it! They sell them at the drug store, like Walgreens...Also, IWWH said to tell you congrats!!! ood

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I was so panicked when I found out. We were just days from my husband's planned sterilization - DAYS. So you can see that this was not planned. My H is still digesting it as he only wanted to father two to three kids and did that successfully. He seems to be doing better than me right now.


I have always wanted a FOURTH child, but had a different timeline in mind.


I am suffering from waves of anxiety and worry daily as my extended family members issues loom really large considering I am really going to need their help. And it doesn't seem like they are going to be able to help me as they have their own issues to contend with (newly diagnosed cancer, gambling issues, divorcing parents, just to name a few of the issues this pregnancy is contending with).


Still waiting for the encouragement .... ahem, ahem....:)


I really appreciate the well wishes, though. Its like business as usual around here with my folks when I really could use their help right now. But I am trying to be understanding as to why I am not getting it.

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I was so panicked when I found out. We were just days from my husband's planned sterilization - DAYS. So you can see that this was not planned. My H is still digesting it as he only wanted to father two to three kids and did that successfully. He seems to be doing better than me right now.


I have always wanted a FOURTH child, but had a different timeline in mind.


I am suffering from waves of anxiety and worry daily as my extended family members issues loom really large considering I am really going to need their help. And it doesn't seem like they are going to be able to help me as they have their own issues to contend with (newly diagnosed cancer, gambling issues, divorcing parents, just to name a few of the issues this pregnancy is contending with).


Still waiting for the encouragement .... ahem, ahem....:)


I really appreciate the well wishes, though. Its like business as usual around here with my folks when I really could use their help right now. But I am trying to be understanding as to why I am not getting it.


NID I'm sure everything will be just fine. Just make sure your taking care of yourself.


Things happen for a reason and now you get another one to dress up. :D


And if it's a girl then you REALLY can dress her up. Put little hats on, booties, lacy fluffy dresses, and make her look cute.


And if it's a boy well then you can dress him up in sport outfits and those two pieces with the little ties and the black shiny shoes. :D

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congratulations, noididn't! my cousin has 4 kids, and they are all just so awesome. she and my brother-in-law were terrified when they found about the 4th one, and now, almost 2 years later, they realize how incomplete their family be without her in it.


good for you, i hope the morning sickness gets better (i feel for you). if you're not big on tea, try just sucking on plain peppermint candies! please keep us posted.

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I was so panicked when I found out. We were just days from my husband's planned sterilization - DAYS. So you can see that this was not planned. My H is still digesting it as he only wanted to father two to three kids and did that successfully. He seems to be doing better than me right now.


I have always wanted a FOURTH child, but had a different timeline in mind.


I am suffering from waves of anxiety and worry daily as my extended family members issues loom really large considering I am really going to need their help. And it doesn't seem like they are going to be able to help me as they have their own issues to contend with (newly diagnosed cancer, gambling issues, divorcing parents, just to name a few of the issues this pregnancy is contending with).


Still waiting for the encouragement .... ahem, ahem....:)


I really appreciate the well wishes, though. Its like business as usual around here with my folks when I really could use their help right now. But I am trying to be understanding as to why I am not getting it.

Sometimes it's the unexpected that turns out to be the very BEST thing to come into your life! Try to relax and revel in the thought that you have another little miracle in the oven! How wonderful!.. My Sister and her H have tried for 10 years w/ out success to have their own and could not adopt due to some health issues...I know it's hard, but try to count your blessings...I'll be thinking of you! ood

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Thanks guys. I am feeling better already. Everyone that I know of that has had an unexpected addition is really happy and wondering why were they so worried about it.


I am excited and reserved all at the same time. I am sure that things will work out fine. I have a cycle with my pregnancies. With my second, I was worried that I could never love another child as much as I loved my first. With this one, I have similar concerns. But my second came and the love showed up the minute they united us after the birth.


OOD, I feel so sorry for infertile couples. For years, my H and I thought that we were one. We tried and tried without success for the first two years of our M. But then, we decided to enjoy ourselves no matter what, and the pregnancies started coming. In fact, I found out that I was pregnant the first time a week before a scheduled appointment (made months earlier) with an infertility specialist.


Kenzie, I am waiting for that exact revelation after the birth of this child. I have always felt that my family was incomplete. I have a feeling that this child will make it feel complete, despite the initial shock that its coming outside of my timetable.


Everyone is right. I am starting to take more care of myself and the family that needs caring for now. I will likely not be here as much as previously while we start making our adjustments early for our new addition. I already signed up (and paid for) a monthly massage by a prenatal massage therapist at the local hospital. I am SO looking forward to that!


Thanks again everyone. I really appreciate your well wishes and kind thoughts.

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