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My girl friend hurt me

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My girlfriend really hurt and humiliated me the other day. I went over to her apartment to visit with her and take a shower, because the hot water heater at my place was out. She was there with two of her friends and her cousin. I didn't know it at the time, but when I was showering, my girlfriend's cousin told her that she was having an affair with me, which was not at all true. She became very upset and stormed into the bathroom to confront me. Her cousin and friends followed to watch what would happen. I had no idea what was going on. All I knew was that I was standing in front of her, cold wet and naked while she was yelling and crying. When I put my hands on her shoulder to try to calm her down, she kneed me in the groin. I never felt pain like that. It made me drop to the floor and she ran out. Her cousin and friends helped me off the floor and over to a chair. At first they thought it was funny but became concerned when they saw that I was really hurt. They called a neighbor lady over who was a nurse and insisted I let her examine me. After a quick check she said I should be ok and feel better tomorrow. She then told the girls that instead of just standing there and watching, they should get a towel to cover me. I don't know what was worse, the pain or the humiliation of it all.


Later my girlfriend's cousin drove me home and told me she was sorry for all that happened. She said no one should have treated me the way my girlfriend did. I thanked her for helping me out and getting a nurse and all. That evening my girlfriend called me and said how sorry she was. She told me the story her cousin said about having an affair with me and that she now knows it's not true. She asked if I would forgive her and have her back.


I don't know what to think. I told my roommate what happened and asked what he thought. He said I shouldn't go anywhere near her unless I wore an athletic cup or something. He asked if I ever considered why it is her cousin made up the story. He said that it could have been wishful thinking or that she wanted to ruin our relationship so that she could have a chance of going out with me. He said, either way, she probably likes me and that I should consider going out with her instead. I don't know. Should I forgive my girlfriend? Should I forget her and explore the option of going out with her cousin? As far as the water heater goes, that's no longer an issue. It's fixed.

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My boyfriend really hurt me the other day and I am still feeling the pain. Monday I got sick but I didn't feel the full affect of the flu until Wednesday. I was so sick Wednesday that couldn't go to work. My boyfriend didn't even come and visit me. So Thursday when I felt a little better I went to his house and confronted him about not coming to see me. My boyfriend told me he didn't think that I wanted him to come and see me. he talked about how much he called and paged me. I feel like if you love someone and you haven't heard from or seen the person that you love in a couple of days you should be trying to find out what has happen to that person. Can you believe he told me that I wasn't thinking clearly cause I was sick, angry, and in error. He always talk about how much he love me and want to be there for me but I feel like he wasn't. If he is my boyfriend and I'm sick why wouldn't I want you to come and see me??? And another thing he didn't call as much as he said he did but I guess the caller ID is a liar???

My girlfriend really hurt and humiliated me the other day. I went over to her apartment to visit with her and take a shower, because the hot water heater at my place was out. She was there with two of her friends and her cousin. I didn’t know it at the time, but when I was showering, my girlfriend’s cousin told her that she was having an affair with me, which was not at all true. She became very upset and stormed into the bathroom to confront me. Her cousin and friends followed to watch what would happen. I had no idea what was going on. All I knew was that I was standing in front of her, cold wet and naked while she was yelling and crying. When I put my hands on her shoulder to try to calm her down, she kneed me in the groin. I never felt pain like that. It made me drop to the floor and she ran out. Her cousin and friends helped me off the floor and over to a chair. At first they thought it was funny but became concerned when they saw that I was really hurt. They called a neighbor lady over who was a nurse and insisted I let her examine me. After a quick check she said I should be ok and feel better tomorrow. She then told the girls that instead of just standing there and watching, they should get a towel to cover me. I don’t know what was worse, the pain or the humiliation of it all. Later my girlfriend’s cousin drove me home and told me she was sorry for all that happened. She said no one should have treated me the way my girlfriend did. I thanked her for helping me out and getting a nurse and all. That evening my girlfriend called me and said how sorry she was. She told me the story her cousin said about having an affair with me and that she now knows it’s not true. She asked if I would forgive her and have her back. I don’t know what to think. I told my roommate what happened and asked what he thought. He said I shouldn’t go anywhere near her unless I wore an athletic cup or something. He asked if I ever considered why it is her cousin made up the story. He said that it could have been wishful thinking or that she wanted to ruin our relationship so that she could have a chance of going out with me. He said, either way, she probably likes me and that I should consider going out with her instead. I don’t know. Should I forgive my girlfriend? Should I forget her and explore the option of going out with her cousin? As far as the water heater goes, that’s no longer an issue. It’s fixed.
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Don't see the cousin. She must be slightly insane to do that just to sabotage your relationship. Otherwise, it's your choice as to whether you stay with your girlfriend or not.

My girlfriend really hurt and humiliated me the other day. I went over to her apartment to visit with her and take a shower, because the hot water heater at my place was out. She was there with two of her friends and her cousin. I didn’t know it at the time, but when I was showering, my girlfriend’s cousin told her that she was having an affair with me, which was not at all true. She became very upset and stormed into the bathroom to confront me. Her cousin and friends followed to watch what would happen. I had no idea what was going on. All I knew was that I was standing in front of her, cold wet and naked while she was yelling and crying. When I put my hands on her shoulder to try to calm her down, she kneed me in the groin. I never felt pain like that. It made me drop to the floor and she ran out. Her cousin and friends helped me off the floor and over to a chair. At first they thought it was funny but became concerned when they saw that I was really hurt. They called a neighbor lady over who was a nurse and insisted I let her examine me. After a quick check she said I should be ok and feel better tomorrow. She then told the girls that instead of just standing there and watching, they should get a towel to cover me. I don’t know what was worse, the pain or the humiliation of it all. Later my girlfriend’s cousin drove me home and told me she was sorry for all that happened. She said no one should have treated me the way my girlfriend did. I thanked her for helping me out and getting a nurse and all. That evening my girlfriend called me and said how sorry she was. She told me the story her cousin said about having an affair with me and that she now knows it’s not true. She asked if I would forgive her and have her back. I don’t know what to think. I told my roommate what happened and asked what he thought. He said I shouldn’t go anywhere near her unless I wore an athletic cup or something. He asked if I ever considered why it is her cousin made up the story. He said that it could have been wishful thinking or that she wanted to ruin our relationship so that she could have a chance of going out with me. He said, either way, she probably likes me and that I should consider going out with her instead. I don’t know. Should I forgive my girlfriend? Should I forget her and explore the option of going out with her cousin? As far as the water heater goes, that’s no longer an issue. It’s fixed.
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I couldn't imagine, she did that to you. She is insane. She couldn't have confronted you in the bathroom infront of her friends. Her friends should be idiots to follow her into the bathroom to see you both fighting and have a glimbse of your nakedness. (You don't close your bathroom before you shower?)


I would stay away with this kind of girl who acts without thinking and discussing with the other person. Just think, will she consider staying with u if you strangle her for some reason?. I bet, she won't.


Her cousin is a nuts to play this kind of pranks with your relationship. Stay away with this pack of fools.



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Hey, I would have done the same thing if I found out that my boyfriend was cheating on me with my cousin!! If you really like your girlfriend, why aren't you able to see what was going through her mind? the fact that she went crazy indicates how much she likes you, though I admit it was a bit aggressive, but still, it shows how emotional she is about you. But on the other hand, what about you? You post a message asking whether you should go out with her psycho bitch cousin? Hey, wait a minute, do you not like your girlfriend? How could you even consider ditching her and then go out with her cousin? what kind of guy are you?


It seems like you aren't even sure of how you feel about your GF to even consider switching girlfriends that easily.


Sorry I'm not being too sympathetic here, but after reading your message, it just seems like you aren't being a nice boyfriend yourself.

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I agree with two points here, one, I think that if someone loves you and trust you, they would NOT go off the handle and burst in making a specticle of the situation. She could have handled it much better than giving a swift kick in the groin. As far as reacting like that showing her love, BS, so does that mean when a man hits a woman after he sees her talking to a guy, he loves her, I don't think so. Mature healthy relationships do not involve hitting of any sort. Second, I think it is in very bad taste of you to consider dating her cousin. Enough said. My opinion, leave, while you are still intact.

My girlfriend really hurt and humiliated me the other day. I went over to her apartment to visit with her and take a shower, because the hot water heater at my place was out. She was there with two of her friends and her cousin. I didn't know it at the time, but when I was showering, my girlfriend's cousin told her that she was having an affair with me, which was not at all true. She became very upset and stormed into the bathroom to confront me. Her cousin and friends followed to watch what would happen. I had no idea what was going on. All I knew was that I was standing in front of her, cold wet and naked while she was yelling and crying. When I put my hands on her shoulder to try to calm her down, she kneed me in the groin. I never felt pain like that. It made me drop to the floor and she ran out. Her cousin and friends helped me off the floor and over to a chair. At first they thought it was funny but became concerned when they saw that I was really hurt. They called a neighbor lady over who was a nurse and insisted I let her examine me. After a quick check she said I should be ok and feel better tomorrow. She then told the girls that instead of just standing there and watching, they should get a towel to cover me. I don't know what was worse, the pain or the humiliation of it all. Later my girlfriend's cousin drove me home and told me she was sorry for all that happened. She said no one should have treated me the way my girlfriend did. I thanked her for helping me out and getting a nurse and all. That evening my girlfriend called me and said how sorry she was. She told me the story her cousin said about having an affair with me and that she now knows it's not true. She asked if I would forgive her and have her back. I don't know what to think. I told my roommate what happened and asked what he thought. He said I shouldn't go anywhere near her unless I wore an athletic cup or something. He asked if I ever considered why it is her cousin made up the story. He said that it could have been wishful thinking or that she wanted to ruin our relationship so that she could have a chance of going out with me. He said, either way, she probably likes me and that I should consider going out with her instead. I don't know. Should I forgive my girlfriend? Should I forget her and explore the option of going out with her cousin? As far as the water heater goes, that's no longer an issue. It's fixed.
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