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It really is not what it seems!!!

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Greetings! Thanks for reading this!!


This situation is going to sound unbelieveable, but I swear it is all true!!


Been with my boyfriend for almost 3 years....


Things were not really that good for the first two years and it looked as if it was going to get worse at the beginning of the third. All of a sudden, it leveled out, and he must have decided he loved me and that was when things were on the path towards good.


A friend came back into my life. Someone I have cared about, and had a deep connection with. This friend is a male, and I had no idea he felt as strong as he did for me, but I was about to find out the force of his feelings..


And that is what this is really all about.


The friend kept these feelings under wraps. He asked me to come over to help him with something, and I agreed. When I got there, he was nervous and pacing. I started helping him, and then he basically told me that he had strong feelings for me, and wanted me to leave my BF.


I told him that I didnt know what he was talking about, and he gave me a hug. One of those really strong hugs, you know the kind. I hugged him back, mistaking his hug for wanting comfort over something that was hard to admit.


And I was wrong.


He he put his face on my neck, and started crying, and then..then he forcefully held his face there and put a huge hickey on my neck!!!

Of course I was struggling and kicking and screaming. He was alot stronger than I was, though, and succeeded in leaving a huge mark on my neck right in plain sight.


I was pissed and in shock. I was ranting and slapping him. He was explaining to me how he felt about me, and I didnt really register a word of it.


I was in such a shock, that when my BF called, I told him that I didnt want to be with him anymore, and that it was over. He started crying (I have never seen or heard him cry) and said he wanted to see me right away. At first I didnt want to, but then I realized I had to face the music. I thought about lying and putting cream on my neck and pulling my hair down, but I couldnt do that. After all, it wasnt my fault...or was it? Was it my fault somehow?


I had a lot of questions in my head but my mind was just whirling. I decided to show him and tell him what happened.


I met up with him and showed him, and naturally, he reacted the way I thought he was going to-he was crying and asking why I broke his heart, and why I did this to him. I told him what had happened, and he left me there, crying, and breaking up with me.


I sat there for awhile, crying my eyes out and then I started driving, and BF called me back, crying, and asking why I did this to him.

I kept telling him the truth.


Here is the thing about that truth....I altered it a little, and the reason for that is because I KNEW that if I didnt, I would be putting both of them at risk to harm the other.


I said that it was a friend from the past, and that he was a little drunk, and when I hugged him, he did it. I told him that I didnt know where he lived or his last name, or anything. I told him that I just saw him and a couple of other friends on the street, and stopped to hang out and talk.

I did this to protect them both. Because now BF wants the other guy to pay. And he wants to beat him up, and he wants him to go to jail, and all other sorts of things.


BUT BF also doesnt trust or believe me fully. It has been a week since this has happened, and things between us is very strained (and we live together, so it is worse) with him flucuating back and forth between thinking I am a no good cheater, to wanting that guy to go to jail for what he has done.


The overall theme of this now is that he doesnt trust me.

He follows me everywhere, constantly thinking I am up to no good, he rips the phone out of my hands and checks it, and freaks at random numbers, he escorts me everywhere I go, he wont let me out of his sight for a minute to go to the store, he breaks into the bathroom while I am taking a shower, he bangs on doors when they are closed for too long, he flucuates back forth between giving me ultimatums and being the sweetest guy I have ever known.


I am torn. Because I know that things cant continue the way that they are, and I dont know what to do.


Please give me your advice and your take on the situation. I would greatly appreciate it.

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You handled this pretty badly, but since there was no actual cheating involved, I think you can get things back on track.


Your bf is out of control. This other guy is most definitely not going to be thrown in prison because he gave you a hickey, regardless of how it was done. Your bf could, on the other hand, be charged with assault if he goes after him and beats him up, so make sure you keep reminding your bf of that.


You need to stop lying to your bf, and tell him the truth about how it happened. I know you don't want to, but your making it sound like it happened out of the blue is why your bf thinks the other guy pretty much attacked you. Keep in mind, if you take some responsibility for it by being there and hugging that guy, your bf may stop wanting to beat up this other guy.


Your bf still won't like what happened, but in the end, if you hadn't said you were breaking up with him, he wouldn't be so out of his mind with jealousy rage right now. Tell him you only said that because you were freaked out when he called and this incident just happened.


Other than that, I don't know what to tell you. Your bf is going to be very suspicious of everything you do for a while. He's a bit loony at the moment, but maybe that will calm down a little once he understands the real story, and once some time has passed where he has seen that you are not actually wanting to break up with him, and you are not cheating on him.

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If I get this right here is your issue. When your BF first called you dumped him. Actually that part makes it hard for ME to believe the rest of the story, I cant imagine what your BF must feel.


Basically, your going to have to get to work rebuilding his trust. If its worth your time, talk to him about it... and just put up with his issues until they dissapate. Or if he isnt worth it... dump him for real and move on.

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If I get this right here is your issue. When your BF first called you dumped him. Actually that part makes it hard for ME to believe the rest of the story, I cant imagine what your BF must feel.


Basically, your going to have to get to work rebuilding his trust. If its worth your time, talk to him about it... and just put up with his issues until they dissapate. Or if he isnt worth it... dump him for real and move on.


Bingo. That is what keeps nagging at me. It doesn't make any sense so I am having a hard time believing the rest of the post.

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Bingo. That is what keeps nagging at me. It doesn't make any sense so I am having a hard time believing the rest of the post.


Would you suggest maybe some strip club therapy? :p

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Actually that part makes it hard for ME to believe the rest of the story,

Bingo. That is what keeps nagging at me. It doesn't make any sense so I am having a hard time believing the rest of the post.


Tell me what then, is my motive for coming here and explaining my story? Just because I wanted to? I dont think so. I have bigger things going on, and I am running out of time, as the end of the day is fast approaching, and its the weekend as well.


I know it looks bad, what I said, that I wanted to break up with him when he called. I was in shock. I panicked. I also knew how crazy my BF was when it came to the subject of cheating. I knew as well that what happened was going to be totally unbelieveable to him. So I figured I would rather just break up with him cold, instead of having him believe I was a cheater (WHICH I AM NOT) and making him hurt by having to see something that could be construed as evidence of a cheater.


I mean, what was the point, right? If I knew that when he saw the hickey, he was going to naturally assume I cheated, and judge me before I even opened my mouth, what was the point of going through it at all? Thats why I thought to tell him I wanted to break up with him.


It looks bad and horrible, I know. I have to live with this every single night, being thought of as a cheating wh0re half the time, and I feel so incredibly ashamed to be around him even though I KNOW I didnt cheat.


But there is another part of this. The most important part. I feel unsafe and uncomfortable. I feel like at any minute he could snap and do something horrible to me. He pretty much controls every waking moment with me as it is already. He keeps threatening the relationship, everyday, its something new, but he just wont let me go....


Part of me thinks that he is looking for revenge first. Part of me is pissed at the world. Part of me fears for my saftey, part of me wants to let all of this go and start new somewhere else.


It is awfully hard to stand there and take it when I know deep down I dont truly deserve it. But I have to accept it because of what it appears to be, only it really isnt. Do any of you know how extremely hard that is to do? To be thought of as a cheating wh0re half the time and when you try to defend yourself, you are cut down because the mark supposedly proves something???

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Just wanted to add in that the only parts I lied to him about was that the guy was drunk, and that I didnt know where he lived or what his last name was.


Everything else was right on track though.


I didnt want to tell him his name or where he lived because I wanted niether to get hurt.

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If my boyfriend called me out of the blue to break up with me over the phone ... than came home with a hickey after admitting he spent the day with an ex that rolled into town ... the “it was just an accident” part wouldn’t even matter. Not even if he could somehow get the ex to collaborate the story. Whether I believed that he was molested or not, the get-together with the ex and being dumped over the phone (on their own) would already be enough to sink him.


Three strikes with a single swing ... and sorry Luver, it “sucks” but you’re out.

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Just wanted to add in that the only parts I lied to him about was that the guy was drunk, and that I didnt know where he lived or what his last name was.


Everything else was right on track though.


I didnt want to tell him his name or where he lived because I wanted niether to get hurt.


Seriously, Im not trying to bash you. I just want you to understand why he is going crazy on you.


Was he this controlling before this incident? Thats a very important point. If he was super controlling before... this will never go away.


Has anyone ever cheated on him before? Also, how old are you two? I'm going to guess early to mid 20's.


Your in a really bad situation... its kind of similar to a rape victim who nobody believes. Your BF is vasselating in his head over whether your lieing to him or this guy pulled something like that. When another guy messes with your GF like that it makes you feel really small and powerless. Like you failed to proctect her. He's desperately wants to get rid of that feeling of bieng powerless. He's going to stalk you to protect you... from others and yourself, and yes he's going to want to lay a beat down on this other guy. And if you try to keep them apart by not giving your BF the info about this guy its going to feel to him like your protecting the other guy... and thats going to just fuel his suspicion.


Your situation is VERY complicated. I'm going to be short on advice for you here. Maybe someone else knows more... but I am just trying to give you an idea what might be going through his head right now... I hope that may help you figure this out on your own!

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Enigma, he was never an Ex, this wasnt a planned meet, I dont care if my boyfriend breaks up with me. I hope that clears up the confusion a little bit.


The reason I say that I dont care if he breaks up with me, is because any decision is better than indecision in my opinion. Him going back and forth on me is making everything worse. I just want him to set it straight in his head. Thats why I am coming here.


If he chooses to not believe me, thats fine. I will gladly go. But I cant take the back and forthness, because it is f-ing with our heads alot.



Cobra, your insight is remarkable. Your whole post is exactly what we are dealing with here.


Was he this controlling before this incident? Thats a very important point. If he was super controlling before... this will never go away


YES. It was a nitemare. He was wayyy overboard with the controlling. I am not even allowed to talk on the phone to my cousin sometimes. My house was seriously like a prison. Everything he could possibly control, he did.


Has anyone ever cheated on him before?


YES. An ex wife. Which makes this situation 1000x, I know.


And if you try to keep them apart by not giving your BF the info about this guy its going to feel to him like your protecting the other guy... and thats going to just fuel his suspicion.



Which is exactly what ended up happening...he told me I was taking the other guys side and chosing my friend over my BF. NOT TRUE. I just dont want fighting and a police record to affect either of them.


He's going to stalk you to protect you... from others and yourself,


And that is what he is doing pretty much.....stalking me. He wont let me go anywhere without him, he follows me to and from work, he even stalks me in our own house.

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He was a control freak before, only gets worse - as you're seeing. Make a safety plan and get out - NOW.



Enigma, he was never an Ex, this wasnt a planned meet, I dont care if my boyfriend breaks up with me. I hope that clears up the confusion a little bit.


The reason I say that I dont care if he breaks up with me, is because any decision is better than indecision in my opinion. Him going back and forth on me is making everything worse. I just want him to set it straight in his head. Thats why I am coming here.


If he chooses to not believe me, thats fine. I will gladly go. But I cant take the back and forthness, because it is f-ing with our heads alot.



Cobra, your insight is remarkable. Your whole post is exactly what we are dealing with here.




YES. It was a nitemare. He was wayyy overboard with the controlling. I am not even allowed to talk on the phone to my cousin sometimes. My house was seriously like a prison. Everything he could possibly control, he did.




YES. An ex wife. Which makes this situation 1000x, I know.




Which is exactly what ended up happening...he told me I was taking the other guys side and chosing my friend over my BF. NOT TRUE. I just dont want fighting and a police record to affect either of them.




And that is what he is doing pretty much.....stalking me. He wont let me go anywhere without him, he follows me to and from work, he even stalks me in our own house.

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If my boyfriend called me out of the blue to break up with me over the phone ... than came home with a hickey after admitting he spent the day with an ex that rolled into town ... the “it was just an accident” part wouldn’t even matter. Not even if he could somehow get the ex to collaborate the story. Whether I believed that he was molested or not, the get-together with the ex and being dumped over the phone (on their own) would already be enough to sink him.


Three strikes with a single swing ... and sorry Luver, it “sucks” but you’re out.


Totally agree. To the original poster - you dumped him on the phone, for nothing. Then you lied about how you got assaulted (yes it was an assault, jailable IMO). And what were you doing alone with this guy anyway?


What do you expect your bf to do, buy you roses? You've acted like a fool. The only remote hope you have is to come clean and tell the truth. Prosecuting this other guy might help too, in establishing your credibility.


Lesson: it's normally a bad idea to lie, no matter what the reason. If you lie for expediency, be aware that it can bite you in the ass and make you seem untrustworthy. That's the tradeoff.

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you dumped him on the phone, for nothing. Then you lied about how you got assaulted (yes it was an assault, jailable IMO). And what were you doing alone with this guy anyway?



I think I already explained the whys of dumping him:

I know it looks bad, what I said, that I wanted to break up with him when he called. I was in shock. I panicked. I also knew how crazy my BF was when it came to the subject of cheating. I knew as well that what happened was going to be totally unbelieveable to him. So I figured I would rather just break up with him cold, instead of having him believe I was a cheater (WHICH I AM NOT) and making him hurt by having to see something that could be construed as evidence of a cheater.



Then you lied about how you got assaulted


No, I dont believe I did:

Just wanted to add in that the only parts I lied to him about was that the guy was drunk, and that I didnt know where he lived or what his last name was.


Everything else was right on track though


The only remote hope you have is to come clean and tell the truth.


I did tell the truth, which I have been known for, and that is why my BF has decided to overlook this afterall. The only thing I didnt tell the truth on, was where the guy lived, which should hold no bearing on anything other than to serve nothing but trouble for all concerned. I dont need a war started over this, and that is what would happen.

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Greetings! Thanks for reading this!!


This situation is going to sound unbelieveable, but I swear it is all true!!


Been with my boyfriend for almost 3 years....


Things were not really that good for the first two years and it looked as if it was going to get worse at the beginning of the third. All of a sudden, it leveled out, and he must have decided he loved me and that was when things were on the path towards good.


A friend came back into my life. Someone I have cared about, and had a deep connection with. This friend is a male


Uh huh....just a friend eh?


, and I had no idea he felt as strong as he did for me, but I was about to find out the force of his feelings..


case in point.



He he put his face on my neck, and started crying, and then..then he forcefully held his face there and put a huge hickey on my neck


Of course I was struggling and kicking and screaming. He was alot stronger than I was, though, and succeeded in leaving a huge mark on my neck right in plain sight.


I was pissed and in shock. I was ranting and slapping him. He was explaining to me how he felt about me, and I didnt really register a word of it.


I was in such a shock, that when my BF called, I told him that I didnt want to be with him anymore, and that it was over. He started crying (I have never seen or heard him cry) and said he wanted to see me right away.


Why would you tell your BF it is over because of what this guy supposedly did? Something is fishy here.



At first I didnt want to, but then I realized I had to face the music. I thought about lying and putting cream on my neck and pulling my hair down, but I couldnt do that. After all, it wasnt my fault...or was it? Was it my fault somehow?


I don't know. Are we getting the full story? Are we getting what actually happened?


I had a lot of questions in my head but my mind was just whirling. I decided to show him and tell him what happened.


I met up with him and showed him, and naturally, he reacted the way I thought he was going to-he was crying and asking why I broke his heart, and why I did this to him. I told him what had happened, and he left me there, crying, and breaking up with me.


Well...you can't really blame him. there he is looking at his GF with a hickey that he didn't give you. Honestly...any story, truth or not, will come off to him as you lying.


Here is the thing about that truth....I altered it a little, and the reason for that is because I KNEW that if I didnt, I would be putting both of them at risk to harm the other.


I said that it was a friend from the past, and that he was a little drunk, and when I hugged him, he did it. I told him that I didnt know where he lived or his last name, or anything. I told him that I just saw him and a couple of other friends on the street, and stopped to hang out and talk.


Ok...so now if I was your BF, I'd be thinking...what the hell are you doing going over to the place of a guy you don't know and hugging him?

Your story sounds fishy.



I did this to protect them both. Because now BF wants the other guy to pay. And he wants to beat him up, and he wants him to go to jail, and all other sorts of things.


So what if he wants the other guy to go to jail. If you listen to your story...it almost sounds like rape..or at the very least assault.


So why would you be opposed to that?....hmmm?


BUT BF also doesnt trust or believe me fully.


Of course he doesn't...because you aren't telling him the truth for one thing.



It has been a week since this has happened, and things between us is very strained (and we live together, so it is worse) with him flucuating back and forth between thinking I am a no good cheater, to wanting that guy to go to jail for what he has done.


The overall theme of this now is that he doesnt trust me.


So your lesson learned should be...don't go over to other guys apartments.


He follows me everywhere, constantly thinking I am up to no good, he rips the phone out of my hands and checks it, and freaks at random numbers, he escorts me everywhere I go, he wont let me out of his sight for a minute to go to the store, he breaks into the bathroom while I am taking a shower, he bangs on doors when they are closed for too long, he flucuates back forth between giving me ultimatums and being the sweetest guy I have ever known.


I am torn. Because I know that things cant continue the way that they are, and I dont know what to do.


Well...looks like you messed up big time. You took someone who trusted you and blew it completely. I still don't know if I believe your story...but it doesn't really matter.


Maybe its time to move out and take a lesson learned from this.


If a woman of mine came to me with hickies on her neck...uh..I don't think there is a story out there that would make me believe that it wasn't cheating.


So this guy didn't hold you down or anything...you say he was strong and that you couldn't get away...but once he starts sucking on your neck, hey...when I play around and kiss a woman's neck...suck on it a little bit...it tickles..and she shrugs....I can't get on her neck to continue the playing around. So something is fishy here. Sorry..thats the way I see it.


But in answer to your question...I think you need to break it off with your boyfriend. He'll never trust you again, and you can't go on with him acting like that.

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Tell me what then, is my motive for coming here and explaining my story?


Who knows....maybe to convince yourself that it didn't happen the way it really did. maybe to see if others would believe your story when your BF wouldn't(and understandbly wouldn't).


Maybe there is a slight truth to it but you want to downplay it in your own mind. You went there...you had feelings for him too...you got involved with him...it got a little heavy, but then you decided it wasn't what you really wanted. And after there was evidence that you and him got hot and heavy with it, you made up just a little bit of a story while thinking in your own mind it was a complete truth.


Or maybe you think he might see it or you'd show it to him. I mean if you posted it on a site, it must be the truth, right?

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Who knows....maybe to convince yourself that it didn't happen the way it really did. maybe to see if others would believe your story when your BF wouldn't(and understandbly wouldn't).


Maybe he bought it because it was the TRUTH and the truth has a certain ring to it. That, and he knows I am not a liar.


You went there...you had feelings for him too...you got involved with him...it got a little heavy, but then you decided it wasn't what you really wanted. And after there was evidence that you and him got hot and heavy with it, you made up just a little bit of a story while thinking in your own mind it was a complete truth.



Why then, wouldnt I have just covered it up with makeup? Wouldnt have that been a little easier? Pulled my hair down and cover it up? Wouldnt even be having this conversation right now if I did.


case in point.

Case and point what? That I had no idea he had feelings for me, but was about to find out?? :confused:

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Yeah, I know. I know he doesnt trust me fully, but I left it up to him to take me back or not. I presented the story completely and truthfully but left out the part where he lived. I saw no reason in starting a war as I have stated before.


He was welcomed to break up with me. I let him know that the decision rests with him. He decided not to. I did not cry or beg him not to. I just presented the facts and let him choose from there.

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Yeah, I know. I know he doesnt trust me fully, but I left it up to him to take me back or not. I presented the story completely and truthfully but left out the part where he lived. I saw no reason in starting a war as I have stated before.


He was welcomed to break up with me. I let him know that the decision rests with him. He decided not to. I did not cry or beg him not to. I just presented the facts and let him choose from there.


Girl, listen... he is a control freak plain and simple. You dont want to sit up in a relationship like this! Do you think maybe your confusing some of his controlling behavior as love?


Look this whole thing is a blessing in disguise. I recommend you get out of this relationship before it gets really scarry. You dumped him cause you knew how he would react like a freak!!! Now you've decided to just live with it. Don't you deserve to be treated better?

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I am with Cobra. He wouldn't even let you speak to your cousin?? That is beyond 'a control freak'! I dated one who is a control freak - I left after 1 and half years. It was a torture for me. I hated myself back then for letting him control me the way your BF is to you right now. Get the h*** out, 50/50! I would just ignore those who is trying to put you down - just do what's right for you. You deserve better. Good luck! *hugs*

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You dumped him cause you knew how he would react like a freak!!!


You are right about that. I was scared. Really very scared. Scared because for the past three years he had been grilling words into my head that scared the living daylights out of me. There was no way I had an interest in risking some of the things he had said to me at that time, so yes, along with shocked and confused over the situation, there was a healthy amount of fear mixed in there.



Girl, listen... he is a control freak plain and simple. You dont want to sit up in a relationship like this! Do you think maybe your confusing some of his controlling behavior as love?


I dont know about this right now. These are some deep questions that I must consider. I do know that since this episode happened, it has been a hell of a lot worse, and I am not certain if I am blurring the edges of deserving it verses just thinking I deserve it. Hard to explain.


Something to think about though.


Look this whole thing is a blessing in disguise.

Thats how he sees it too. He thinks that this happened to give him a reality check to show him how much he really does love me and need me.


I am just awfully confused. I know the error of my ways. I should have never agreed to help a friend out, but I just had no way of knowing things would turn out as drastically as they did. And BF uses that as ammo for why having friends in the first place are a bad idea.


So, basically, that friend ended up sabotaging what I was trying to do for 3 long years, which was to get him to ease up on me, and see that having friends was not all that bad a thing. Now I can just about forget it, I guess. Because recently, a good friend (woman) of mine just called me up and asked if I could go out with her and BF said absolutely not. He said "You dont remember what happened with your last friend"?



Its kind of weird. Half the time I feel so disgusted and sick with myself, and like I deserve all the crap in the world. The other half just feels a little hollow and wooden.


But I do accept my part in that-I should have never believed that my friend needed help. I shouldnt have went over there.

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Thats how he sees it too. He thinks that this happened to give him a reality check to show him how much he really does love me and need me.


I am just awfully confused. I know the error of my ways. I should have never agreed to help a friend out, but I just had no way of knowing things would turn out as drastically as they did. And BF uses that as ammo for why having friends in the first place are a bad idea.


No he sees this as a blessing because now he can really put you under his thumb! He's cutting you off from the world... thats to put himself in control. He is isolating you! RUN! Dont waste another 3 years... Your going to get abused, and he is going to make you feel like its your fault.


Normally, I'd say you have a little culpability in this... but right now I'm going to focus on the fact that your BF is a scarry guy. I would never let my sister date a guy like this!!

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just do what's right for you. You deserve better. Good luck! *hugs*


Do you really think so? Cuz you just made me feel like crying. Thank you so much, Lyssa....I have been feeling so very $hitty about myself lately.


The truth of the matter is, if I was such a deceiving wh0re, then I would have kicked back and enjoyed him sucking on my neck instead of fighting him off of me, and I also would have caked on the make-up and wore my hair down. My BF is not so observant. He would have never known.

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Well you know you're not a deceiving wh**e and if you really wanted to hide, you would have but you chose to meet him the way you were. That's good. The h*** with what other people think. They are not in your situation.


You stayed with a controlling freak for 3 years, I really don't know how you manage to do that. I would have really drowned myself *smile*. Yes, I really think so that you deserve better. Any girl in your situation deserves better. I didn't cheat on my ex-bf. Nothing close to that but he is just one h*** of a controlling man and also mentally abusive. Most of the time, he was playing mind games with me. Was really sweet and caring one minute and the next, jealous and abusive! That behaviour totally confused me and I was scared to leave (at that time) because he threatened me and he really made me feel unwanted by anyone else. I hated myself for letting him treated me that way.


I don't think any girl or guy deserve to be treated that way. Even if you did cheat, you just don't control your partner, let go and move on. It's easier said than done, I know that but I was glad I got out early.


I really hope you get your stuff together and move out. Even after you leave, you have to be careful because guys like my ex and your bf - we have no idea what they are capable of doing next.



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. I would have really drowned myself *smile*.


:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:



Your a sweet girl with a kind heart, Lyssa....Thanks for sharing your story with me...


You just made me feel all the world happier, and for that I cant thank you enough. I have been on my own with these emotions since it has happened, and having no one to reach out to except the one who doesnt know if he loves me or despises me, because he absolutely forbid me to talk to anyone about it because he said that if they knew about what I did, then they would tell him to drop me flat, because I am a cheating wh0re who doesnt deserve his time.

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