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It really is not what it seems!!!

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he absolutely forbid me to talk to anyone about it because he said that if they knew about what I did, then they would tell him to drop me flat, because I am a cheating wh0re who doesnt deserve his time.


Doesn't that say it all? That's pretty much the exact thing my ex told me. Like I said, I stayed because of that. Was not worth it AT ALL.

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Your a sweet girl with a kind heart, Lyssa....Thanks for sharing your story with me...


No need to thank me. Am here because I read your post and thought I would give my two cents. You're in need of advice and help - so I am giving you some just like the rest here. Hang in there, sweetie. Everything will turn out for the better... but YOU gotta make that happen, okay?


Good luck and keep us updated!



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I think it's good to have friends and it's good to help friends. I don't think you are guilty of anything, but your boyfriend is trying to manipulate you into thinking that you are. Why do you allow him to call you names and to control you? What is keeping you there with him? Guilt? Fear? You are a free person and free to do whatever you like, and if he doesn't like that, he can either accept it or leave. It doesn't seem that he loves you, because if he did, he would try to understand you and forgive you.

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