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Saugerties, New York cheater

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I met this man onlne 8 years ago. He was not mature and I should have known better but I kept talking to him. He kept telling me how bad he wanted to meet me, sent me tons of cards, letters, gifts, etc. but to make a long story short, his mother did not like the idea of him seeing me so she did everything in her power to keep us apart and he listened. This went on for 7 and a half years! I decided to go on with my life and stopped talking to him. About six weeks into that, he called and said he was coming to be with me. He came, proposed, we got married,went to pre-marriage counseling, I converted to Catholicism for him and then 6 months into the marriage, he started talking to a 19 year old behind my back that he met in an online chat room. I should add that he worked only around 5 or 6 months out of the 20 months he was here. Anyway, this teenager had myspace and she encouraged him to get it too so he proceeded to set up a page behind my back while I was at work paying our bills. He then used the page to correspond with friends from high school, which is no big deal, but he also added many single women from our area and was talking about things not appropriate for a married man. I suspected something and seached the computer and he was telling them how much he missed them, how gorgeous and sexy they were, etc. I made him remove the page. Three weeks later we decided to go on vacation. He was going to visit his family and I would visit mine. He told me he would go to counseling when we got home from vacation. I decided to check myspace to see if he had reopened a page and sure enough he had. He even made it private so I couldn't see it. I later found out that he was not only still flirting but talking smack about me and even told people that I was stalking him!! He left out the fact that I tried to kick his ass out 3 months before. So basically I was keeping up this bum while he flirted online and talked about me behind my back. He had at least 9 secret email accounts that I had no knowledge of and he was using them to deceive me. He would constantly delete the computer history, minimize windows when I walked by, etc. Also, he was meeting the 19 year old on the side and bragging to his friends about how he never intended to come home but he wasn't going to tell me. I hope nobody ever falls for this guy's lies again. One more thing, when I got home, I had our computer scanned and found not only tons of pornography but a time stamped picture he took of himself the day of my father's funeral that he refused to go to. He is emotionally unavailabe, unaffectionate, and told me that I kept him here via mind control LOL Tell that one to the judge LOL These are all facts and I can prove all of it. Apparently Damon doesn't understand that with marriage you're giving up certain freedoms like talking to and going out with single women behind your wife's back. His favorite quote is " I have to think of myself."

- Oh yeah, one more thing---a lot of his secret communication took place while I was at the church on Monday night converting to his religion. I have the computer scans and phone records to prove it. He also had people put money in his secret bank account in preparation for leaving me, yet he didn't have the balls to look me in the eye and tell me he was going back home to mommy. There's so much more that I don't even have time to type all of it.

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