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Jealous? or just wants to know

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SO im in a non exclusive relationship. However SO isnt seeing anyone else (repeats it constantly), but doesnt want to put the heaviness of a label into our relationship since we've only seen each other for 2 and a half months.

Now, we both said we could see other people...just not sleep with them (for obvious reasons). However, I say i dont do the whole dating more than one person thing, too complicated, but if he meets someone he would like to talk to, go ahead. He says he "has no time or energy", so he isnt seeing anyone either. Therefore, technically we are being exclusive...


However since technically and factually are different, I decided it was ok to go out have fun and flirt a little. Yesterday i went out with a gf to a bar where a couple of guys hit on us. It was a funny situation bc the guys ended up arguing as to who would get my number. My SO knew i was going to go out, and since it wasnt that big a deal (would NEVER date those guys) i told him about it.

He laughed about it then asked if they got lucky....:confused:, i said "no!! ofcourse not!" he said "what?! not even a kiss? then you guys were leading them on! why would they buy u drinks all nite? they expected something from you guys. You didnt even give them your number?" I said I did, but it wasnt a big deal, it was just a funny situation.

Now im wondering if he just really wanted to know (as a "friend" would) or he was just trying to see what happened without sounding jealous....

What do u guys think?

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im concerned that he doesnt care....what does this mean when u date someone (havent really been in this position before)? Should i care that he doesnt seem to care if i see someone else??? so confused about this....

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