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A guy who never calls

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I'll try to make this one short. I met a guy from school about 6 months ago. We became friends along with other people who we lived together. When x'mas came and exams were over, we all went back home. Most of that group of friends are still at school while we are both off campus for the term.


He invited me to his parents' x'mas party, which was very unexpected. He even offered me to stay over the night because it would be impossible for me to get home by myself. (In the end, I went, but my girl friends let me stay over at their house)


I call him every once in a while, and whenever he does answer, we have great conversations. Sadly, he never calls me.


A little while ago, I told him that I was going over to his area and asked him if he was free. He had to work and had to go to his uncle's party afterwards, but he was very accomodating about meeting up with me. We had dinner which he paid for (and I was reaching for my wallet), and we brought it back to his empty house (his whole family was at his uncle's) and ate. I think I had a great time, but still, he never calls me.


If he doesn't like me, then he didn't have to see me, or offer to buy dinner. But if he does like me, then why doesn't he call?


Someone please give me some perspective!!! THX!!

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i'm like that to a guy i know, so let me tell you why i do see him once in a while, but only with his initiative.


i like the guy, i love talking to him, but i am not attracted to him at all, unfortunately. hence, i'm happy to spend some time with him when he invites me out, but i never call him myself - i'm simply not into him enough to do that.


as for paying for the dinner - hmm, when i go out with this guy, i dont mind it being like a date, either, so i wouldn't make much of it. some men are just gentlemen enough to pay for ladies always.


just some info,



PS If I were you, i'd cease calling him & look for a guy who's more into it!

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I agree with your statement,


Originally posted by yes

If I were you, i'd cease calling him & look for a guy who's more into it!


try not calling him for a while. If he is interested he may call you or next time he sees you ask why you havent called.


Perhaps showing that you don't care, playing hard to get may interest him, showing him that he was just expecting you to call.


On the other hand, you may not hear from him and find out he really isn't interested.



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There are guys who are more into it. but i think that if i don't like those guys, why waste my time? As well, I think he knows his fair share of girls. If he does pay for dinner for all the girls when he's out with them, then he'd be broke by now...


I know you guys make a really good point , don't get me wrong. It's just that sometimes, it seems as though he actually is interested. I was the only person he invited to that party, and we did study together alone quite a bit a couple months ago. (we study from sept - dec 2002, and work from jan - apr 2003, then study again from may - aug 2003, hope this clarifies things a bit)


when we talked, he said that he should visit me. I guess SARS and his not knowing how to take the bus is keeping him from that.


He also said he'll take social dancing with me, even though I don't think that's his thing.


God, he's so nice. hehe. I'm so disillusioned...


Thanks for replying...

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