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Telling the one you love that you cheated

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im going to tell my girlfriend i slept with someone else over the weekend but i wanted to tell someone else about it but never told a friend because i didnt want her to find out fromsomeone else before i had the chance.

This is how it happened and none of its an excuse for how much i have messed up. I was out with her and some of my friends around town and we was all very drunk and having a good time until my and my girlfriend got into a huge row. I have been supporting her financially as she was out of work which i didnt have a problem with as she has done the same for me but she was starting to take it for granted that she knew i would give her anything she wanted and i felt i was being taken advantage of so when she was having a go at me because i wouldnt get her something, i started shouting at her about how it made me feel and that she was being really selfish. She burst into tears and started to apologize and when i calmed down I excepted her apology.

We then started to discuss our relationship and she said something that hurt me allot i had to get away from her and my friends as i didn't want them see me crying so i left her with my friends and went wondering around town. I decided to go into a club to dance because i thought it would help me calm down. It wasn't long before a girl started to dance with me and after a bit she took me to her place. We started to have sex but i soon saw my gf's face in this girl and it made me feel so sick at what i was doing and all i could think of was how much i love my gf. I didn't know what to do so i told the girl i had cum and pretended to go to sleep. Im not sure what time it was i passed out but i woke up at 8 and left the girls house.

I headed back to where my gf and i was staying but found her sitting on a curb where i had left her. She had spent the whole night looking for me and checking the hospital to find out what had happened to me. We talked for along time but i never told her about what happend because she was away from home and she wouldnt of been able to get any of her own space for the next few days as we was stopping with friends.

Now we are back i need to tell her as we both agreed that we would if it ever happened. what hurts the most that for months she would get depressed at the thought of me going off with someone else because she was cheated on allot by past bf but she never asked me which made me feel like she trusts me so much she doesnt even need to ask.

If i was not to tell her, she wouldn't find out because i will never see that girl again and i havnt told anyone. Im not trying to dodge the consequences but it wouldn’t end up hurting her more down the line. I think she will stay with me even what i have done which i am not even sure if thats what i want because it will hurt allot knowing she still wants to be with me. I feel as if she deserves better then me and that i need to get what i deserve. I am going to tell her anyway because i would want the same but i just hope im doing the right thing for her as if i don’t say anything she would not get hurt by it. im not sure which way is fairer

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I feel as if she deserves better then me and that i need to get what i deserve.


You seem willing to accept your fate but you also think she will not leave you. Are you telling her to ease your conscience or is it to drive her away because I think you will be surprised if you think she will accept your fling?

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Hurt & Alone

I am not so sure that you wont lose her once you tell her. you stated she has been hurt by other in the past for the same behavior. Once bitten twice shy. Be prepared to be left thier feeling guilty about the fling after she walks away from you but know that you did the honest thing by telling her. BTW why would you spend the night with soemone when all you could do is see your gf's face? That does not make much sense.

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I am going to tell her anyway because i would want the same but i just hope im doing the right thing for her as if i don’t say anything she would not get hurt by it. im not sure which way is fairer


You definitely tell her. Because if she finds out later(and don't think there is ever a situation where they won't find out) then you'll have wasted a few more years of her life if she decides that it is unforgivable, and in my opinion, it is unforgivable.


You tell her so she has the choice of whether or not to stay with you. I guarantee if I had known my soon to be ex had cheated during our engagement, I'd have cancelled the wedding. And since she got away with it back then(dont ask how I found out...long story) she cheated during marriage too.


So I had 8 years of my life taken away, and now there are 2 beautiful children caught in the middle.....all because she didn't have the tits to fess up.


So yes, you tell her. Let her decide if she wants to forgive you...but really, you should just end it. Because I dont' care what anyone says, you don't love someone, but then turn around and stick your member in another woman.

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Can I ask what it was she said that upset you so much that you had to get away from her? Obviously something serious enough to push you into the arms of another girl..


Definately tell her. You may not see the other girl anymore, but you do NOT know if that girl will tell your girlfriend. Never say never...

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