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Should i be jealous of this??

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Hi, my name is jose and i'm kind of confused about this.. check it out.. i met this girl like six months ago and we started hanging out more and more... and we act like boyfriend and girlfriend but we're not.. and it's not cause i haven't asked her out.. cause i've already tried that and she just told me that she wasn't ready for a relationship.. and i'm very confused because i don't know if i should be jealous of her guy friends that call her on the phone.. like when i'm at her house and the phone rings, she'll answer it and talk to them for like 5-10 min.. and act like i'm not even there.. i told her this bothered me and she just said that i shouldn't be like that.. she just says "what's wrong with talking to them for like 5 min.".. and also the other day.. i was talking to her and this is something that really hurt me... cause i asked her if all the guys she talks to are just friends.. and she said.. "yea, except one of them"...and she told me that she liked the other guy..and then she said "but i tell you things that i don't tell him".. and this is what got me really confused.. i don't know what to do.. please some advise..:confused:

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Why don't you just move on and find someone who's ready for a relationship?


Oh and no you shouldn't be jealous because your not actually together.

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Here is what you do. Ready?


Stop hanging around with her and find someone else you can date.


She doesn't want you for a BF and never will.


But she will always find boys to make her the BF.


Now listen to this, or else get used to be disappointed.

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i was talking to her and this is something that really hurt me... cause i asked her if all the guys she talks to are just friends.. and she said.. "yea, except one of them"...and she told me that she liked the other guy..and then she said "but i tell you things that i don't tell him".. and this is what got me really confused.. i don't know what to do.. please some advise..:confused:


That part right there says it all.


Dump her.

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she just says "what's wrong with talking to them for like 5 min.".. and also the other day.. i was talking to her and this is something that really hurt me... cause i asked her if all the guys she talks to are just friends.. and she said.. "yea, except one of them"...and she told me that she liked the other guy..and then she said "but i tell you things that i don't tell him".. and this is what got me really confused.. i don't know what to do.. please some advise..:confused:


Welcome to the "friend zone".


When she starts talking to other guys... leave, dont come back, dont answer her calls for the rest of the day. She is treating you like a gay male friend. You shouldnt put up with it.


Also, if you act like your too into her... she wont ever like you. You need to make sure she knows your not available to her anymore!!!

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Hi Jose. You're both not exclusive so there is no reason for you to be jealous although I do understand if you are, it's because you really like this girl. Like all these men have told you - leave and go out with other girls. Make yourself unavailable and I bet you, she'd be crawling back to you and if she didn't... well, that says it all. She was never and would never be interested to be anything more than just friends.

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