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Is this a save?

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To make the long story short, girl contacted me online, hit it off, went to her house, saw each other regularly, slept together.


I started falling for her, she disappeared, went no contact, sent her progressively more pissed off emails with no response, a few voice mails.


She finally contacted me, acted like she hadnt read the mails or even discussed what was going on. Invited me over, I saw she had taken down my pic, when I asked, she got pissed and gave a lame excuse, lied to me about where she had dissapeared to. Generally acted cold to me but didnt give me the axe. Even though I kept asking her to be straight and let me go if not interested in me anymore. No answer, wouldnt discuss anything pertaining to romantic with me. Her old BF even showed up and she closed the blinds so he wouldnt see me and I just shook my head at her.


I gave her a peck on the cheek and left. After days with nothing resolved, I emailed her and said what I had to say and told her I was breaking whatever we had off and was moving on. Whew!


Cared an awful lot about her but her actions were unacceptable. Didnt understand since she was the one who hit on me in the first place. But glad that I was looking elsewhere and not wasting my time anymore.


Few days later, phone rings, its her, I reject the call. Im thinking WTF? Listen to her voice mail, acts all sweet and wants to get together. Didnt return the call but later sent a email saying I didnt think so but said maybe we could be friends with benefits if she wanted to at least be friends after all the previous BS she pulled with me. To my amazement she agreed! Then acting like her original sweet self, makes a date with me for the holiday weekend.


And she said that I had come on too strong before and a FWB relationship would be great because she is really interested in getting to know me better without any strings.


My question is why didnt she just say that weeks ago? Then it would have prevented a huge amount of stress and hurt by me. It would have been so simple for her to do that. Even so, Im glad to have things this way rather than losing her forever which I was planning to do.

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are you wanting/expecting things to evolve from FWB to something else? she sounds really immature- she doesn't want to discuss conflicts... that's not just a relationship killer but a friendship killer. if you are going to pursue this, tell her that that's not okay with you.

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Your relationship with her doesn't sound like a normal relationship gets off the foot so to speak. Be careful because I fear you're in for a drama.

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This chick has got serious biochemical brain and hormonal problems. Stay far from her. Why would you want to be involved with a chick who's going to do nothing but play with your mind, whether it's intentional or whether it's due to serious health and mental issues. It just ain't worth it. Write this one off!

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It sounds like you ( did ) genuinely care about her . My recommendation is to NOT have FWB with this girl. I mean is it okay to just booty~call her and be alright with that ??


I am thinking diseases here....She puts herself around other men and gets off with them.


Don't you hope you used condoms ?

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And she said that I had come on too strong before and a FWB relationship would be great because she is really interested in getting to know me better without any strings.


My question is why didnt she just say that weeks ago? Then it would have prevented a huge amount of stress and hurt by me. It would have been so simple for her to do that. Even so, Im glad to have things this way rather than losing her forever which I was planning to do.


My guess? I don't think there's alot of people extremely accepting of a FWB relationship, and she probably sensed that from you, so she did what she needed to keep you interested enough to stick around.

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