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Very true. Every time I think I am being too hard on women I read something like this and it confirms my views. This is why men need prenups.



Problem with prenups is, they aren't always honored by the courts, another way to show how corrupt the court system is!:eek:

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Problem with prenups is, they aren't always honored by the courts, another way to show how corrupt the court system is!:eek:


That is why men need good divorce lawyers. My lawyer could have made Ike Turner look like a sympathetic figure in court.

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Yes, I am a cheater. I do not think that I should give custody to my husband because I cheated...that is just insane.


So you cheat on him and plan on taking his child away too? How much more do you plan on screwing him over? A dog doesn't deserve this.


I am still her mother..I still love her and she still needs a mother.


When you cheat on your spouse you cheat on your kids too. It amazes me that people will cheat...not giving one freakin' thought to the devestation that it will bring to their children...but don't care at the moment as long as you are getting pleasured.


And he is still her father and she needs her father. The way I look at it...custody should go to the parent that didn't destroy the marriage because of the other's selfish acts.


So, the issue is not giving up my daughter but deciding if I should stay in a marriage where I am CLEARLY unhappy. I can't help but wonder if there is better and yes I do feel like I got married too young but now I need to decide what is best for me and my family. I can't continue to cheat...it's not right


So basically you cheat on the guy...and now you are going to take his daughter from him. I feel sorry for your H. You really are doing a number on him and he doesn't deserve it. So to add insult to injury, you're going to screw him over in the divorce too. Have you no damn shame?

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Why does he have to pay for your mistakes?:eek:


There you go...thats what I wanted to say but it just didn't come out.


Why should he have to pay for a cheater's "mistake"? Even though it was no mistake and cheating never is.


Maybe reword...why does he have to pay for your infidelity and cheating?

Why should he have to continue to pay? and no, I'm not talking in terms of money either.

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In another breath he said that he wants to be with me and would leave his girlfriend to do just that. He wants me and my daughter to move with him. Like I said in another breath he reminds me to fight for my marriage.


I hope I don't sound confusing here but I do really like this guy but I am a married woman and being so young I do wonder if there is someone better out there for me.... What should I do...I mean if I leave my husband and this guy is bull****tin me I will be hurt and pissed.


You'll be hurt and pissed? What about your daughter? It sounds as though you're seriously contemplating moving yourself and her in with this guy - provided he's agreeable. As if the distress of her parents splitting up weren't enough, she'd suddenly be living in the home of a complete stranger who seems to have taken daddy's place.


Yes, I am a cheater. I do not think that I should give custody to my husband because I cheated...that is just insane. I am still her mother..I still love her and she still needs a mother.


Of course a court shouldn't punish infidelity by denying custody of a child to the cheating parent (assuming here that your husband would be fighting for custody). What it must do, though, is consider the child's welfare first and foremost. The fact that you're her mother and you love her doesn't necessarily mean that living with you would be the best way to promote her welfare. Not if you're as confused, chaotic and focused on your own needs (rather than hers) as you're presenting in these posts.

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Well, first and foremost I never stated that I would take full custody..I believe that I would prefer joint custody. Now it sounds to me like you men are a bit bitter and that's ok too but I will not try and even entertain some of the things that was posted from some of you. I will say that everybody makes mistakes. People do things that are completely selfish and morally wrong everyday. I don't mind the rocks and stones being thrown at me for my infidelity as I accept what I done. I wouldn't move my daughter in with no man that she does not know. I have done some dumb things but not that dumb. If I were to move out...I would live alone. But like I always say it is what it is

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You want help????

1.) You've been a liar

2.) You've been a betrayer and a ho (i mean that in the nicest of terms..but you need to hear it)

3.) You don't really care about doing the right thing.


If you want to rejoin the human race....tell your husband the truth...the WHOLE truth, everything. File for divorce, or if HE wants to try and work it out (I hope not) go to a professional counsellor, in front of the guy your seeing..take you H and break it off in person with the guy you've been seeing.


Otherwise file for divorce, free your Husband, do the right thing and move on with your life.


And either way...get counselling or you'll never have a relationship that will work.

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