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When it is the time to die

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When it is the time to die I should relax all my load and enjoy another way of being. It is the time when I find no meaning for living in this world. It is the time when I find death is even more happy than living. It is the time I have no hope anymore.

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When it is the time to die I should relax all my load and enjoy another way of being.


When it's your turn to die then you will have no choices to make. Instead, why not relax and find a better way to deal with the load you carry. There are people who can help you with this.



It is the time when I find no meaning for living in this world.
There is always a reason or meaning, you just need to look in other areas, or be patient and accept that maybe the reasons or meaning that you seek, just hasn't happened yet, or that you just don't see it. But be strong and have faith in yourself that you will find it, and enjoy the journey too. Even troubles that seem so desperate now will ease and change and upon reflection. Talk to someone that can help you see past your misery. There is more outside yourself than you realize.


It is the time when I find death is even more happy than living.

Death is not happy. It doesn't matter your religion - I don't know of any religion that guarantees happiness after a death by your own hands. Besides, you are depriving those who love you - even those who haven't met you yet - the privilege of your company and love.


It is the time I have no hope anymore.

Are you terminally ill? In a hospice? There is always hope, but you need someone to help you see it beyond the wall of your pain.


Nothing in life is static. Pain may see to go on for a very long time, but it does NOT go on forever. Hold your head up and conquer whatever is hurting you now. Seek help from others - no one can do it alone. Dial -0- on your phone and ask for the crisis hotline. There are people there who will help you, and not because it's their job, but because they honestly, genuinely care, most of them are volunteers and many volunteers have gone through the same set of emotions that you are going through, or have someone close to them who have.

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Everything is temporary...trust me. This moment in time will pass. And there ARE people who love you and would miss you terribly. If nothing else, think of what you would be doing to so many lives if you took yours.

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Killing yourself isn't as easy as movies make it seem to be. First, it needs guts, and second, the most likely outcome with most methods is that you'll survive with some disabilities (e.g. paralyzed, blinded etc.)



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lol, that's a brilliant way to talk someone out of suicide. i mean it. i think giving someone a gun and saying - go ahead, shoot yourself, is the best way to knock some sense into them; and if it doesn't, it' much too late, i'd think.


by the way, i heard an opinion that people attempt suicide intentionally such that they'll survive, because the point is to grab attention, not to actually kill themselves. hmm.



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I did not interpret the original post as having a degree of intensity that the person was on the brink of suicide. It sounded like someone more in a state of existential crisis, looking for meaning and some happiness. We all go through those kinds of reflections from time to time.


Yes, an attempt at suicide is often a call for help or attention. But there are also a lot of people who see it as an end to a very physically or emotionally painful existense they want no more of.


Life is hard. It has both joy and suffering. Those who seek joy and happiness often do not find it. Those who are not armed with proper coping mechanisms often develop a very fatalistic approach to life.

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Please note: The suggestions and advice offered on this web site are opinions only and are not to be used in the place of professional psychological counseling or medical advice. If you or someone close to you is currently in crisis or in an emergency situation, contact your local law enforcement agency or emergency number.
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I would love to die in my sleep next to my loved one in about 60+ years. But not only that have him die on the same night so we didn't have to do a day without each other.


We have also discussed a male earge to die smothed in a womens breasts, I know it is my b/fs way to go.


As for when you think is the best time, I think it is when you have either lived your life so fully and you are content with the thought of dying, and it doesn't scare you or excite you or that you don't seem to be going down the path made for you and you suddenly are taken for wasting time.


We are all here for a purpose, some is to piss people off so that they can realise how being pissed off with people all their life isn't a happy life.


I believe we are all good deep down and we all have someone who loves us terribly.


Dunno if that is answering any questions, I just woke up so still in babble state :)

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Yeah, suicide attempts are sort of attention grabber. I have read that many suicidals don't want to die, but they say ''Help me'' with this action.


That is more true in cases of teenagers/20+ youngsters when the usual reason is love (or lack thereof).

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As someone who lost her father to suicide, I ALWAYS take all thoughts or threats of suicide very seriously. It is simply not true that they don't really want to die. If that were true, how would you explain all the deaths from suicide?

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