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Im confuzed if I should get into a relationship with her

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I am in love with a girl but she is my 2nd cousin NO BIOLOGICAL relation she is really beutifull and we are great friends and we where kissing for about 1hour the other day but i dont think it is right she has a boyfriend and she says she will end it with him for me but we arnt gonna tell the parents my uncle & aunt or should I i'm so confuzed :( PLEASE HELP ME.

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man...you've got to think real hard about going forward with this one. I mean, if things don't work out, you're STUCK having to see her for the rest of your life either way.


But besides for that, I would be a LITTLE concerned that you two kissed for an hour while she had a boyfriend. That means, SHE CHEATED ON HIM. Do you want to start something with someone who does not know how to have a commitment? I know you may think you're something special, but wait until the next guy comes around when you're with her -- she might just "break it off" with you for somebody else.

I am in love with a girl but she is my 2nd cousin NO BIOLOGICAL relation she is really beutifull and we are great friends and we where kissing for about 1hour the other day but i dont think it is right she has a boyfriend and she says she will end it with him for me but we arnt gonna tell the parents my uncle & aunt or should I i'm so confuzed :( PLEASE HELP ME.
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man...you've got to think real hard about going forward with this one. I mean, if things don't work out, you're STUCK having to see her for the rest of your life either way. But besides for that, I would be a LITTLE concerned that you two kissed for an hour while she had a boyfriend. That means, SHE CHEATED ON HIM. Do you want to start something with someone who does not know how to have a commitment? I know you may think you're something special, but wait until the next guy comes around when you're with her -- she might just "break it off" with you for somebody else.

Thanx for the advise friend but she is actually quite an onest person because just after i left that day she phoned her boy frinend and told him about what happend so i just hav to hope i dont meet him he's older than me and when she said she told him i thought oh yes hes out of the pic but he forgave her and there still together but as soon as she is out of that relationship i'll be in there but i wont forget what u said i will keep my eye on her and thanx dude who ever u r if u wanna contact me and we can be e-mail buddys at <e-mail address removed>

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