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My fiance is meeting a girl at a club

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OK so my fiance has just left to go DJ at a club, he was superpissed because it was a last minute thing and he had already made other plans to go out which I was not involved in and did not know about til a few hours ago.


So I know he doesn't really get pissed over such random things as it's all money so I was a bit suspiscious, I checked his myspace and found he had made plans to meet up with one of his so called female "friends" hence why he was so pissed. Anyway it looks like he's still planning to meet her at the club after he's finished DJing at the other place.

So my dilemma is do I text him now and warn him that if he meets up with her he's headed for trouble or do I wait until tomorrow and confront him after he's actually met her.

I'm not upset that he's meeting her cos apparently she's just a friend (yeah right) but I asked him straight up who he was going with and he said he was going to see the DJ up at the club and there was no mention of her.


Please help I feel like the anger is about to make me implode!!!!!!!!

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He lied & said he was meeting someone else not her? Do you know why they were meeting?

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