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Why is my Ex doing this?


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Hi, people, Im rather new to this forum, but anyways heres my story.



Well I dated this girl for 4 months or so, and it went to ****. She had massive problems with her family with drugs and stuff and she liked to go to partys and get drunk and stuff. Obviously with all this, there was no trust factor. She went back up to Chicago after breaking up with me and as I so call it, pretty much using me for sex. She clear out told me that she was selfish, and went back to Chicago.


I was like ok, whatever moved on, then 5 months passed with me never talking to her, she emails me back with emails that say, Oh how you doing, blah blah, and I was just being kind answering her emails, everything was doing fine. After 5 emails or so, her emails didnt add up, she would say one thing here, and then another thing here. I was like, Oh god, she still is lying like crazy.


She apparently then gets mad at me, because I told her that it would be a good idea to go to a community college first, instead of a unversity first, so you can save a **** load of money. She then blocks her myspace, puts on her title, "I do what I want". and I was like oh **** that, I not giving her tips anymore.


Then 2 months passed, with me not talking to her, and never planning on talking to her again, Like 2 days ago, she randomly calls me, after ignoring me and ****. I didnt answer, I was asleep. I like ok, what is wrong with her? She just got done ignoring me, and calls me out of the blue.


I was sitting there trying to figure why would she call me out of the blue.


I then looked at her myspace, and saw her with a new boyfriend in the picture, and I thought maybe she did that to get me to look at her myspace, and see if that she has a new boyfriend now, to make me jealous?


What u guys think?


She always was jealous of me in the beginning, because alot girls would talk to me at my job (she worked there too) and thats why she jumped in and wanted to date me. Idiot enough I went for it. Maybe a Women here can understand this language lol


Anyways thanks guys

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Chrome Barracuda

You need to stay away from this chick. She sounds bi-polar with her crazy ass.


Either you guys are together or you are not!

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You would need to move on; she is not the one or worth the effort.


She seems to be trying to find herself and the current relationships are not doing it for her so she contacts you.

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Wow - she must have a lot of energy to do all that... She should shift her energy to doing something more positive!


Lose her, babes... you deserve better and from what you've written, you're pretty much over her so just leave her be and go on with your life... enjoy it!!!

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She sounds like a crazy drama queen. Just ignore her, block her email, and block her number if you can do that. Don't communicate with her in any way at all. Get this woman out of your hair and either enjoy being single or find a replacement.

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