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long-distance friends-with-benefits


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how does this work, you may ask? well, we've known each other for about six months or so. we met in a small chatroom in the winter and flirted quite a bit, and then we met briefly in person a few times over one weekend in the spring (at a convention). we were attracted to each other, but due to other commitments at said convention we couldn't spend any time together. but like i said, we did meet a few times in person, though just long enough to say 'hi, how are ya?'.


when i got home from the convention we spoke again, and it was awesome. the flirting was still there, and to my great pleasure it was even more intense. i got his msn, and since then we have been talking on an almost daily basis. or, we were talking on a daily basis until his online game of choice got updated.


here's how or ld friends-with-benefits works. neither one of us expects/wants a relationship right now, at least not with anyone else. after much more flirting and suggestive talk, we decided to be friends with benefits next time we meet up, which will be next spring at the latest. we soon began exchanging sexy photos with each other, something i've never done with anyone, and i don't believe he has, either. he's become a good friend, and i definitely trust him. i don't send pics of myself in my undies to just anybody. (i also think he may want to have a go at a relationship next time we're together.)


so there's our relationship and how it works. here's the problem. he's playing online games so much lately that we haven't had a good converstion in about two weeks. actually, i think it's a bit longer than that. we've had very short ones, and this week i even asked him if he was still into the benefits and photo thing. he said that of course he is.


i guess the problem is i feel kinda sad and uncertain, and i don't know what to do. he says he's still interested, but um, he's more interested in games than he is in our thing we have going. maybe i'm overreacting and should give it some more time. is this a long time for not so much talk? i should mention that he was legitimately busy with work this week, 12 hour days out of the house, and more work from home.


any words of encouragement/advice for me?

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I struggle to see how you can get close to somebody without seeing them in person a lot and have some intimacy established. I'd say the two of you are drifting apart - from the little closeness you had. I'm sure he likes you but I can't imagine he finds the distance between the two of you helpful.


sounds like you are after a relationship though, maybe you should find somebody who is around and available.

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