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Is it real?

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My boyfriend and I met a year ago. He had just broken up with his girlfriend of 4 years b/c she got pregnant by someone else. We started talking, and decided to take things slow b/c of his past situation. It was strange at first, b/c I had to watch him get over his ex while we were starting a relationship. He was very considerate of my feelings though, and tried to not let it show, but I could tell. Now we are dating more seriously and he tells me that he wants to move in together and that he loves me. I beleive him, but sometimes I can tell that the past is coming up b/c he gets really jealous and almost depressed sometimes. I am not sure if he is just rushing this b/c he wants to be over her or if he really wants this. I am to the age where I am thinking about marriage, and we have talked about it. I just dont know if I should jump into this and think that it is serious. When I bring it up, he gets his feelings hurt and/or gets mad that I dont trust him.

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