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The faker you are the more men want you!

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Lindya, don't sweat the size thing! There are plenty of men out there who aren't hung up on breast size.


I know. I think the pressure tends to come from the media. There's so much pressure on women (and, increasingly, men) to meet certain aesthetic standards...but if you look at that aesthetic standard, it can be a bland thing that has broad appeal but isn't very memorable.


A lot of women realize that if you can't beat 'em, join 'em. They'd see the advantages that large chested women would get. While it's true that large boobs made them considered as trashy and seen as sex objects, it also gained them favors and priviledges. It DIDN'T gain them being taken seriously, however--but they weren't taken seriously before anyway. They were ignored.


There's definitely some truth in that.


I think that the women who are ignored if they don't have all the artificial additions tend to be the same women who are mocked, sneered at and referred to as trashy when they do get them....but they might figure that it's still better than being ignored.


Remember how Lolo Ferrari, encouraged by her husband, turned herself into a cartoon character? Someone like Jessica Alba doesn't need to do that to stay in the limelight. She might have highlights and subtle implants to enhance her looks, but she exudes a glowing, natural looking beauty that people associate with good physical and mental health. So she'll escape the fake label.


She's the particularly beautiful, sensible sister/best friend/girl next door whereas Lolo was a fatal car crash that someone with a sick sense of irony decorated with pink ribbons and fluffy toys. Not so much fake, as just a sad narration of how life can be for the hard-luck girl who also wants to have - whatever the cost, and however false - that "princess" experience.

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I will never do any cosmetic surgery, no matter what. In my opinion, looking at my older female relatives, they still look great in their sixties with none of the above. They've never abused their bodies so it's paying off in the long run.


If anyone I was in a relationship were to demand or even suggest the necessity, I would seriously doubt their value system. To me, if it takes cosmetic surgery to make me attractive to you, you should be looking elsewhere, 'cause after a comment like that, that's what I'll be doing...


Having said that, I won't stop taking care of my body. It feels great eating right and being healthy. Staying in shape is for my own intellectual, emotional and physical health.

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Back to the original thread (men prefer fake to real), I think most men like both. Guys I have known (either as close friends, lovers or partners) seem to just like women. Young, middle aged and women of a certain age (think Susan Sarandon or Helen Mirren). Big, fake boobies have their appeal, as do natural big, medium and small tits. Natural skin colour (from pale and snowy to dark chocolate) all have their fans, although most guys (and women) I know think the orange look is not appealing. Looks like you have hepatitis or something. My husband has had girlfriends of many hues, heights and weights, and to quote him, "It's all good."

I have rather small (but cute and perky! for now!) boobs, short blonde hair (think pixie) and I have been single for maybe 6 months of my 42 years on earth (started dating at 15). Not looking like a stripper hasn't hurt my sex life at all. Do your own thing, find a look that makes you feel attractive, and the boys will come (so to speak).

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To me, if it takes cosmetic surgery to make me attractive to you, you should be looking elsewhere, 'cause after a comment like that, that's what I'll be doing...


Having said that, I won't stop taking care of my body. It feels great eating right and being healthy. Staying in shape is for my own intellectual, emotional and physical health.


I agree & same here. :)

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Flyin in Clouds
I also die my hair because I rather be bald and wearing a wig than go gray.
Hey gray can be very sexy too.... It's all in the smile and attitude...


Women that flaunt what they've got are more appealing than "fake or real boobs" hidding under a burka. Then again a woman can be sexy in just a baggy sweat shirt too - if that's all she's wearing. It's your attitude toward your own sexiness and an apparent willingness to want sex - that's what makes a woman sexy. It all starts in your head dear. A little makeup, some sexy lacy black top... a little see through perhaps - a bit of a tease.... doesn't take 10 lb. boobs or a ton of make up to be a turn on. It does require some effort. Sometimes nothing more than an inviting smile.


Your attitude seems to be - "guys should like me the way I am" - screams "I'm not interested in making any effort to be attractive, it's too much bother and men are just dumb for not liking me that way."


Like Lindya said, some people might think I'm a twit because of my lifestyle... but if they knew what my 'day job' is... I don't think an idiot could do it. ...
Care to explain that - lifestyle day job thing?


Why do women obsess over what a man thinks of their mental abilities, yet ignore the fact their sexiness starts within their own mind? I don't care if a woman is a rocket scientist or total bimbo. What matter is can she apply any of that brain power to being a sexy, exciting, attractive, fun to be with, fun to play with - in bed, kind of woman? Sure I want a companion, friend, help mate, a person to I can relate to intellectually, but I also want a play mate. I want a woman that can at least try to play the role of a playboy bunny, cleopatra or tinker bell at a halloween party. A woman that is at least willing to try to play the role of sex goddess - for me. Sometimes I want my wife to be arm candy... and it's OK for women to be that. It is OK to be feminine, beautiful and brainy (or not ).


they certainly don't only flock to the wannabe pam anderson's of the world.
In fact many such women complain that they don't get dates. Men are intimidated, thinking they simply can't compete with all the guys knocking on their doors...


Men really aren't as picky as you think.
Studies have proven men are far less picky than women.


What I meant is it's seems men have unrealistic expectations for what women should look like.
Men are far less choosy about look than you might imagine. Sure if you're missing all your front teeth... Sure some prefer blonds over brunettes, some the other way. If you've got purple hair, a ton of nose piercing, and lots of tattoos that's not very appealing to me... but I'm sure some guy might like it.


wow a man that's not obsessed with huge boobs. They exist?
man here. Boob size isn't nearly as important is what you plan on doing with them... or more precisely plan on letting me do with them... :p:)


To me women are like roses - all different sizes, shapes, colors and scents. Each rose is lovely it it's own unique way. Even two from the same bush are different. How can I say one is more lovely, more beautiful, more desirable than another? Apples and Oranges. Both are sweet and good, but different. So it is with women.

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Flyin in Clouds

But I would give up the clam for an ugly dude if he bought me a new truck. :lmao: Of course depends on what model of truck he had in mind.... so I am picky. :lmao:

Well, I'd have to see some pictures, and depending on those we can negotiation what kind of truck... ;)


I would enjoy the challenge of landing a fake guy..... but once I had him I would throw him back in the water.... then go river rafting with friends.
Such guys might throw you back first...
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...for some time now.


Is it really "faker" ???


Or "more fake" ?


I know we have some Language Experts out there, so help me out, here...

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No expert here but I would say "more fake" would be grammatically correct.


I wonder what "more faker" would represent. The ultimate in fakeness?

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Umm...I HATE fake boobs, don't like makeup, tan doesn't matter and hate dumb women. Give it to me naturally, PLEASE!!! I wouldn't touch a woman with fake boobs unless it was because of re-constructive surgery. Yuk!!!


Woman were built just right from the get-go...why mess with a good thing?

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No expert here but I would say "more fake" would be grammatically correct.


I wonder what "more faker" would represent. The ultimate in fakeness?

Ha! :laugh:

Thanks, TBF. ;)

I agree that "more fake" sounds best.


How about "most fakiest" ??

That would be the absolute in ultimate fakishness!


"Faker" to me implies the person being treated to the fakeness as performed by the "fakee".....

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more fake


seems best to me...


i honestly attract men that prefer the natural look. not a granola type myself... but wear mascara and lipstick, usually have a natural tan because i tan easily - and nothing is fake about me... i tend to wear a summer dress in the warm months and jeans with a cute shirt in the cool months. i am a straight shooter with my personality as well - so it goes along with my simple style.

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Ha! :laugh:

Thanks, TBF. ;)

I agree that "more fake" sounds best.


How about "most fakiest" ??

That would be the absolute in ultimate fakishness!


"Faker" to me implies the person being treated to the fakeness as performed by the "fakee".....

:lmao: Too funny.


Example of usage:


The most fakiest person in the world crown would be shared by the two cosmetic surgery queens, Pamela Anderson and Michael Jackson.

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