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friends or more?


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I have been best friends with my friend for 3years now. She tells me she loves me. She also tells me she knows that if we ever got married we would be together for ever. Well she has moved in to an apartment I have in my house, she is talking about doing everything together this summer. But she has just started seeing an old boyfriend. She tells me she is not rushing into anything. I have told her it is hurting me. It must be hurting her Boyfriend also because she has told him that we are very close and that we will be going camping this summer and going to concerts, dinner. She sees me everyday and we talk on the phone often. She told me she loves me, and that I am the onlyone she trust.


She said that I am the only man she really trusts and has respect for. I have told her how I feel and that I loved her. She got upset and said she needs her freedom and for me not to jump the gun about anything. She said she still has feelings for her old boyfriend, and that she sees some of the problems that broke them up serfacing again. She is hiding her health problems from her boyfriend, she is acting


real nice arround him tring to prove that she has changed. But then I here her complaints. What should I do?

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