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I Don't Get It!

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Modesty aside for the purposes of getting to the point, I am quite good looking. 165cm, long blonde hair, good skin, 50kg. I am in my 4th year of medicine but a bit of a goof - I try hard not to intimidate people because I find that a lot of people out there are insecure. Anyway, I just cannot find a guy and have been single for 2 years. I go out a lot, at least 5 times a week, and always make sure I am well presented. I have fun with my friends (most of whom are coupled up at the moment, blah!) but I'd really like some intimacy on more than a casual basis. I think I am easy to get along with and I give anyone a chance. But I find that guys don't even approach me! I'll give guys a look to let them know I'm open to a conversation but most never end up coming up to me. I've approached a few guys myself but I feel uncomfortable about being the assertive one, it isn't really my style. Besides, I'd like a guy confident enough to risk rejection to talk to me. I don't know what the hell is wrong. Some of my friends say I should play down my looks or lower my standards but I don't want to have to go to such lengths. I know no one can provide me with any real answers, but it's just a source of frustration for me and I need to vent. I think I am a great catch, yet haven't met anyone keen enough to pursue me.

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I think you'll be fine when you stop making such an issue out of it. I encourage you to go out with your friends but I think you'll have better luck meeting men at ordinary places...where you may intern...at organizations you may join...just about anyplace.


Relax more and don't be so intent on having guys come up to you. It might be a great idea for you to meet more single girlfriends and go out with a group whose members are unencumbered. I think I would be a bit shy about walking up to a lady who was with a group of all couples...I would think that her guy was in the bathroom or maybe on his way or something.


Again, don't let this be such a concern. Your knight in shining armour will appear when you least expect him...and probably not where you expect him.


A lot of guys would love a female doctor who made house calls!!!

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