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She's misleading

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Here's what happened. I'm in college now. The girl across the hall in my dorm gave me head and we made out. I said i loved her that night and she smiled and kissed me longer. The next night she said she just came out of a rocky relationship and didn't want a boyfriend. She was texting and talking to me a lot until last night. We were in the club, and she didn't dance with me at all and ignored me. I called her out on it and she got really mad saying thats why she doesn't want a relationship because of what I just did. I said I don't either, and I said do what you want. I have other girls who like me, but I feel morally wrong doing anything with them if I still like this girl across the hall. I am just going to leave the girl across the hall alone. I'm very depressed and angry over this, which sucks. Any advice/ suggestions?

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It is possible that she likes you but for whatever reason she is not ready to start seeing anyone. Maybe she got really hurt in previous relationship, so it's not about you.


See other girls and you'll forget about this one :) I'm sure it's not you that she is rejecting, she just wants some space for a while.

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Ok, I usually don't give this kind of advice but here's what you do: Just ignore her for awhile and she'll come around. Especially if she likes you. My mom always told me "You have to run to win." And although it works sometimes... it can also be labeled as playing games. Which I am NOT a big fan of!!! Anyhow..... if she is being wishy washy with you just give her space and don't talk to her for awhile and see what she does. I bet she starts talking to you. Also, go and do some things and don't be in your room all the time (you did say you were college didn't you??? I assume a dorm room). If she sees that you are in your room alot she probably might think your waiting for her or something (Trust me... this is how people think, even if they don't admit it). And hey..... tell me WHY you love her??? What do you know about her???? Because the way you described it didn't sound like you knew much about her except that she gave you oral pleasure.

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I think what everybody said is correct. I'm just going to ignore he, ill be nice if she talks to me but thats it. Thanks, I still like her a lot though I wish I didn't.

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no, don't wish that. you will get over her quicker than you think but trust me, being cold and dismissive is the worst way to be.


just ignore her like you said, there must be some nice girls around at college :)

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What does this say about a girl like this ? She had your penis in her mouth and the next day wants nothing to do with you . I would RUN !

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Well, its a painful lesson to learn but you have to sooner or later: just because someone involves themselves sexually with you does not mean they want a relationship with you. It sounds like she may have been interested, but you spooked her with the "I love you" thing. Honestly, I would have reacted the same way, though I probably would have been crystal clear as to why.

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Well, its a painful lesson to learn but you have to sooner or later: just because someone involves themselves sexually with you does not mean they want a relationship with you.


Oh yeah, I learned this after starting to date my best friend of six months in college. I thought I was already in love largely because we were becoming sexual right away, and I thought "we've been really close friends for 6 months, this must mean she feels similar and wants a relationship." Nope. Now, since she was a close friend, I do feel she should have exercised more caution, but I did push strongly and probably pushed her away too.

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