stillafool Posted September 24, 2007 Share Posted September 24, 2007 Stop going over there period! I wouldn't care if she called 100 times a day I wouldn't step foot back in her house. Just tell her you are too busy with your own family. You have kids so you have a million excuses not to see somebody if you chose. It sounds like MM has forgotten about the affair and trying to act like it didn't happen. He definitely thinks you still want him whether you realize it or not. Every time you show up at his house he knows you're coming to see him. That's why he said "why don't you just move in". Stop what you're doing now. Besides, since your husband gave you carte blanche to mess around you should be out with other friends enjoying your status. Link to post Share on other sites
PoshPrincess Posted September 24, 2007 Share Posted September 24, 2007 If she has gotten my voicemail she is now calling my H to give him messages to pass along to me. Maybe SHE is having an A with your H? That would certainly explain his strange behaviour! Ok, I am kidding....slightly..... Yes, MM is definitely playing games. Enjoying the flirting with out having to feel guilty I would say. My advice is keep away. It's sounds pretty likely that she is suspicious and things aren't gonna be good when it all comes out! Link to post Share on other sites
Author comicgirl Posted September 24, 2007 Author Share Posted September 24, 2007 I worked all weekend and she just kept calling me leaving messages about how she hopes work is okay and blah, blah, blah. then she ends the call with "i love you" to me. WTF?? We were friends but now that I have put the ice on the relationship she won't shut up. I saw MM the other day and the W ran to the store. He started digging out his scrapbook of a play he was in as a 2nd grader! Showing me all these pictures, as if i care to see them. I was cordial about it but come on! My kids were playing with their kids and I was just trying to think of what time it was so I could leave. I am done with them. I look at him now and still get a pang in my chest but he is the one who ended it. I can't really argue about it. I had no choice over how it ended. So if he wants to pretend that it never happened. that is fine. he lies to himself and everyone else anyway about everything. Now that he bought a house, he got two dogs last night and wow, they are super happy with the world. the white picket fence dream. He is an assclown!!!!!!! Who doesn't brush his teeth enough, drinks too much and is a mental midget. I HATE HIM AND HIS STUPID W RIGHT NOW AND SOMETIMES I WANT TO SLAP HIS STUPID FACE OFF HIS HEAD. SOMETIMES I JUST WISH I HAD NEVER MET THEM. Link to post Share on other sites
Trimmer Posted September 24, 2007 Share Posted September 24, 2007 Maybe his W knows lots more than you think she does, and she is playing the "keep your enemies closer" game... Maybe she is enjoying torturing you, and she's toying with you. You gotta give her credit for moxie, and you have to admit, this would turn the usual image of the pitiful, helpless, powerless W upside down... The ultimate BS mindf**k! Link to post Share on other sites
stillafool Posted September 26, 2007 Share Posted September 26, 2007 You know it does sound like she know all about it. My queston to you Comicgirl is why do you still keep going over to their house? Why don't you tell the wife that you're sorry but you are just too busy and you will contact her when you have time to get together. Then don't contact her again. I have to be honest with you Comicgirl, I think you like going over there and seeing your friend's husband. I don't think you are over him yet. Do you ever feel guilty when you are around your Best Friend? Link to post Share on other sites
Author comicgirl Posted September 27, 2007 Author Share Posted September 27, 2007 saw MM the other day. we ended up having a 45 minute conversation about the whole breakup thing. now he says he's sorry and he thought that i wanted him to end it so i could continue doing my own thing without his being a problem. He said he felt disposable and like he was holding me back. Then he was saying how he was feeling like he ended it when he didn't have to. He said he had his hand on the auto dial for the phone and thought about calling me a billion times but didn't do it cause he knew I would have torn him up. He said he knew I was past it but that he thought about it all the time. He just couldn't believe that I could act like everything never happened when I was over their house. It wasn't like some 2 year deal, I'm trying to be mature about this. If I want to weird out I do it when I am alone in MY house. It felt good to talk it through with him but I told him not to call me. I also told him I went on a support website, I didn't say which one, and typed out the whole story bit by bit. I told him that the general consensus is that he is f*cked up. I didn't realized hearing him apologize would feel so awesome. I told my husband and he laughed. Then he went out and bought me flowers Link to post Share on other sites
stillafool Posted September 27, 2007 Share Posted September 27, 2007 So you are still going over there huh? You said you told MM the concensus was that he was "fu-ked up? No, you are. You are the one who keeps going over to your best friends house and throwing yourself at her husband. At this point I don't even blame him anymore. I blame you! I don't come on this board and trash the OW. Most of them are and were involved with men whose wives they do not have a personal relationship with. You have been creeping around your best friend like a snake in the grass pretending to be her friend when you really desire to destroy her life. You are jealous of her on so many levels. Your husband has told you he doesn't care who you f-ck and instead of you going out and balling half the guys in your town you chose to slime around with your best friend's husband. You could care less about how this is affecting your best friend, and your children and have got to be the most selfish, heartless person around. As for him saying those things to you - get this and hear it clear. HE WILL NEVER, EVER HAVE ANY RESPECT FOR YOU. HE SEES WHAT YOU ARE CAPABLE OF AND SINCE YOU ARE AT HIS HOME ON A DAILY BASIS THROWING YOURSELF AT HIM HE WILL GO AHEAD AND HIT IT AGAIN BECAUSE YOU WILL LET HIM TIME AND TIME AGAIN. He is only telling you that bulls--t because he will bed you again probably in their house while she's running an errand. I'm glad it felt so awesome for you that he apologized. I'm sure you will feel even more awesome when his wife (your best friend) finds out about you. God save us all from Best Friends! Link to post Share on other sites
stillafool Posted September 27, 2007 Share Posted September 27, 2007 I told my husband and he laughed. Then he went out and bought me flowers I would laugh at you too!!! He is obviously happy you are so gone over your BF's husband since he is buying you flowers to celebrate. He must have someone reaaaaally interesting he's waiting to get with. Good for him! Link to post Share on other sites
Author comicgirl Posted October 8, 2007 Author Share Posted October 8, 2007 Okay, stillafool, your post really bugged me. So, i thought about it a lot without making a new post until now. I have not seen MM or the W at their home or answered their calls since your post to me. The calls are dwindling. I feel better and my R with my H has improved a bit. The only thing that happened was that as I was driving home from work the other day, MM ended up in front of me in traffic. He called me and left a message that he was in front of me but I didn't answer the phone. I got his message later. I guess he got mad cause he started driving like a nut so I took a detour to get home a different way. Stick a fork in it, it's done! Link to post Share on other sites
stillafool Posted October 8, 2007 Share Posted October 8, 2007 Well, I have to say I am proud of you. Sorry my post was so abrasive but if it caused you to turn your situation around I am glad it was. As for MM, tell him if he doesn't stop you will be forced to tell his wife everything. He's have withdrawal symptons from all the attention you were giving him. He'll get over it. Link to post Share on other sites
OWoman Posted October 8, 2007 Share Posted October 8, 2007 Okay, stillafool, your post really bugged me. So, i thought about it a lot without making a new post until now. I have not seen MM or the W at their home or answered their calls since your post to me. The calls are dwindling. I feel better and my R with my H has improved a bit. Comicgirl, that's pretty impressive! SIF's post could have prompted many different responses in you, but you chose one that shows a lot of maturity and reflection! I'm really glad you're feeling better on it, and I hope that better just keeps getting better until you forget you ever felt any different! Link to post Share on other sites
Author comicgirl Posted October 9, 2007 Author Share Posted October 9, 2007 My H and I spent the whole day together just talking about stuff and being together. Very nice day! I just got a call from MMs mom that they are doing an intervention on him for his alcoholism this weekend cause i guess he's drinking to the point where he's out of gas money to get around to work and home. he spends it all on cheap a** beer. He is crying all the time about how depressed he is and being a jerk to his wife and kids. I told her that he needs the intervention but that i cannot be part of it. She thought we were good friends who had their relationship ruined by his drinking and maybe he and i could be friends again after his rehab. I told her i wished him well and hoped he would get sober but as far as our friendship, it is finished with no chance of coming back. I feel sorry for him but it is up to him to fix his life. Link to post Share on other sites
stillafool Posted October 11, 2007 Share Posted October 11, 2007 I'm glad you're staying strong. Don't be surprised that during his recovery he tells his wife the truth about your affair. Just be prepared. I don't understand why she wants you and her husband to be such good friends. That's weird to me. Link to post Share on other sites
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