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Have I truely lost her


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Well a short background is we dated for 2 1/2 years and about a month ago she told me that she loves me but is no longer in love with me and that she had been feeling neglected for sometime now. We have kept in contact on a almost daily basis since we have broken up and a lot of the conversations have been pretty good some not so good. I asked her to come over for coffee the other afternoon when she got off of work.. she never showed. I have asked her to go to a movie with me this weekend and she still says that she will think about it. I have been doing a lot of thinking and have started to realize that if i truely want to get over this girl and a possible reconciliation then we need a lot more time apart and by me contacting her it is only going to push her away further. I am worried that i have pushed her away too much and she truly is just done with me.

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I agree


I think she will never know what she really wants until she has the chance to miss you.


Sometimes we dont realise what we had until we have lost it!


I vote that you go into no contact AT ALL - None

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Yeah, communication lines will probably open up a little bit more once you do that. Just take a week or two for yourself and collect your thoughts. Then think about contacting her or getting in touch.

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I have been in no contact with my fiance since she brought my stuff over and called me to tell me she didn't have feelings for me anymore. I haven't spoken to her in almost two weeks. I pleaded with her to talk to me that day and it seemed to make her mad, so I have not contacted her in hopes that she will miss me. I know that calling her last week would have just made her angry and pushed her away. I also think she is VERY surprised that I didn't call her 20 times a day and email her another 10.

I was very close with her parents and her mother told me she is depressed, and I know that had I started calling last week and pushing her to talk to me it would have only made her mad and pushed her farther away.

I am hoping that after giving her a couple of weeks to miss me and think about what she is giving up that communicating with her will be easier.

It will be 2 weeks tomorrow (Saturday) and I am planning on sending a very simple note early next week...


Just wanted to let you know I am thinking about you and hope you are alright.


.... I am hoping a couple of weeks will have been enough time to let her cool down and may be she will want to talk.

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Well a short background is we dated for 2 1/2 years and about a month ago she told me that she loves me but is no longer in love with me and that she had been feeling neglected for sometime now.


I am worried that i have pushed her away too much and she truly is just done with me.


Based on your first statement and her actions regarding meeting you, then I would have to say...yes, she is moving on and you have "lost" her.


And yes, if you have been pushing her away during your relationship, then I think she is truly done with you. The fact is that she has probably been telling you about her feelings for quite awhile now, but you either didn't take them seriously, or you didn't "hear" them. Now you are catching on after the fact (and you are not the first guy who has done that). So, it appears that she doesn't think you care.


Can you get her back? Yes, as long as she is unattached, there is hope. The question really is...do you WANT her back, or do you want her back because you have lost her? People are strange that way. Give it some time before you chase after her.

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I really want her back... I have been going through some financial difficulties the past couple months and have been really stressed out I am working myself out of it however it is taking a bit of time... We had a really good relationship lots of communication and some really good times, her and I rarely ever fought and when we did we were very open about it so they never really lasted long. A quick update she told me today that she would give me a call when she is done with all of her previously planned activities so that we could hang out later on tomorrow night. Here is hoping she does not blow me off like she did on the other day.

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