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How do i tell him i love him?


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okay, I have been best friends with my boyfriend for a little over 8 months. Currently, he is in Florida playing baseball and I am stuck in Kentucky working over spring break. He called last night to check on me and I ended up crying the 30 minutes we were on the phone.


He knew there was something wrong, but I didnt know how to tell him why I miss him so much. I think I am falling in love with him and I dont know how to go about telling him. Since he is only 18 and I am only 17, this seems crazy to me, but I really cant picture my life without him. And I am going crazy without him right now. I think about him all the time and cant enjoy my break from school.


Should I wait until he gets back Saturday to tell him how I feel? Should I tell him at all? I dont want to scare him away. But we are really open with each other and tell each other everything. I cant stand the thought of losing him. I want him to know that he is the only one I want and that he shouldn't worry about me ever liking another guy. Because I broke up with my boyfriend for him.


What should I do? How do I tell him?

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This is how I told my b/f I loved him.







"oh nothing"


"No tell me"


"Ok, I love you"






"Good cause I love you too"


It isn't that hard, It just sucks when they say "Really? Thanks"

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I'd wait and tell him when he got back. That way, you can just say something like "Ya know, when you were gone, it made me realize something..."


Also, remember that sometimes you can love someone and they not love you back the same way YET. We all have our levels of letting go, and of falling, and just bc someone doesn't love you YET, doesn't mean that they won't.

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I've never had to tell a boy that I loved him. Yet if I were where you are then I think that I would go for it. Plus if you guys don't work out you can dump him like my friend did when she figured out that the only reason her boyfriend was dating her was because she was the girl sitting across from him at the lunch table.


He came in her room and she said "Go away, we aren't working out."


He said "OK" and asked out her roomate. I'm just glad that she said no and so did the girl across the hall

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  • 3 months later...

hey - i am kinda in a similar situation. i'm only 17, he's 18. he's driving to florida with his dad right now and i'm here in california getting ready to leave for college. he was gone earlier this summer and we didn't see each other for two weeks - and i cried so much because i missed him dearly. i think that it's important to tell him how you feel. if you aren't sure, try something like, "i think i'm falling for you"... he should know that you care for him so strongly though. wouldn't you want to know?

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Yup...I like Ally's idea...


When he gets home, tell him when you're alone that you're so glad that he's home again.


Let him know that the time he spent away made it clear to you that you're falling for him big time. Follow it up with the ole' "How do you feel about that?" to guage how he's feeling.


That way, you'll both know where each other stands.


Love grows best when two people who care deeply for each other take time to build a strong foundation for their relationship/coupledom.



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