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Am I just jealous???

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I recently discovered that my bf of just over a year has been maintaining contact w/ his ex's. 3 different women in the last week. He only talks to them when I'm not around, like when I'm sleeping or at work. Then is very vague about the content of their conversations, ie "just catching up" etc. I explained to him that this made me feel uncomfortable and his response was that "I don't trust him". I don't feel that his actions of "sneaking" around to make these calls warrants me to just trust him. I told him that if he honestly felt these woman weren't "after him" that I could live with the interaction. His response was that he couldn't know if they were after him or not. Sorry I don't believe that, woman have a way of hinting around when they want something. That being said I honestly don't believe he has the opprotunity or the desire to cheat on me, nor do I think he wants to leave me. I think it's more that he's flattered by the attention he's recieveing from these woman. However being female I do know that we will stoop to some unbelievably low levels to obtain what we want. Just really frustrated right now and feel I'm being reasonable and I guess just looking for some vindication of my feelings see he just turns it around as my fault for not trusting him.:( Thanks!!

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Your feeling all the right emotions, under absolutely no circumstances should a man be talking to his ex. (that's just my personal opinion)


Tell your guy what's up. It's not fair to you to have to worry about him, tell him if he wants flattery pay 10 dollars @ a strip joint to have women all over him. . .


Other than flattery what more can possibly evolve from talking to ex.. getting back to together?


You whip your boy toy back in shape girl cause what he's doing is just flat out retarted and little disrespectful!

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Trust your instincsts. Something is definitely going on. And since you've only been with you BF for a year, no big loss. No worries, either way, things will be ok. Be ready to dump him if he continues his suspicious activities. Chances are, he's cheating on you.

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You've gotta put your foot down girl! This man sounds suss! No man is worth compromising your confidence and self-respect when he can't commit to you properly in a relationship!


THREE exs? What in the heck would he need to talk to them about? The fact that he's not being open about it REEKS of fishy activity.

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