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Jumping back into the game


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I just wanna say this is quite a read and would really appreciate any replies


Hello all, first of all I want to say im a 23 yr old male who hasnt been in a relationship in about a year and a half. During that time, I said to myself I would never get attached to a girl until I hit 28 or so(my gf left me for her ex bf that treated her like crap, and it really hurt me...now shes trying to come back but thats another story).


So I spent majority of that year and a half bettering myself and going out/doing random girls and made it clear to them that I just wanted friendship. Well about a week and a half ago, I met up with a 20 yr old girl who had many interests similar to mine..I met her online and we hung out in person last week.


We spent the first night hanging out at her house watching movies and just chatting. Later on, we went outside and went to go lay down on her grass in the backyard and just talk and look at the sky. After a while she put her head on my shoulder and said I was very warm and comfy..she then kinda started locking her arm with mine. We both layed there for a while and talked until it was time for me to go home..she walked me to my car and gave me a hug. That was the first night.


The other nights we hung out together with friends as a group and went to the movies/mountains..places like that. Well this past labor day..we hung out ...just me and her...she started tickling me cuz she knows im ticklish..I said to cut it out and she kept doing it..after a while I grabbed her hand and from there I started giving her a massage...which then led to a make out session followed by many other things but sex...she wanted to do it..but we both figured it was getting late (5am or so) so we stopped.


Finally, the last time we hung out was thursday night...which was only for an hour or so since she had to be up early in the morning. Though, what threw me off is that we got into a conversation that led to her last ex boyfriend that left her for some other girl and she started the whole "I hate guys" talk till I had to talk her out of it and say not all guys are like that. Nothing was mentioned about what we did on labor day. We just talked like normal and all..and once again, she walked me to my car and gave me a hug.


I must say ive fooled around with a lot of girls..but I'm just really attracted to her awesome personality and interests. Im actually starting to care/like her but from what happened on labor day..Im not sure if shes just the type of girl that likes fooling around or if she has the slightest interest in me. Or is there anything I can do to show that I like her? Its only been a week and a half..should I give things more time? should I call/text her or wait till she calls me to hang out again?


Any advice about this would be greatly appreciated...thank you very much

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both of you sound really nice.


it's hard when you don't know the other person I know but I think you should give her a chance. this is a very personal choice and decision and I understand that you've been hurt before but you need to get back in the saddle at some point.


I don't know if you call more often or she does but I think it would be nice to get in touch with her, it would also give you more control because you wouldn't be just sitting there waiting for her to get in touch.


It sounds like you both need to take things slowly but that's ok :) She already showed you some vulnerability, maybe you can agree on a slow pace to get to know each other.


good luck!

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