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My boyfriend's best friend is tearing us apart

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My boyfriend and i have been together for 6 months. We have a great, caring, trusting relationship together, and we've been talking about moving in together at the end of the year. However, my boyfriend's friend is a girl who has hated me from the start. I wanted to be the better person, and tried to be civil with her for my boyfriend's sake, as i've never been the type of girl to be jealous. But it has come to the point where she is doing everything possible to try to convince my boyfriend i am not right for him. She also tells me when he's not around that they loved each other for 2 years, and that she'll be there a long time after he's gotten rid of me.

I have talked to my boyfriend about this, but he doesn't want to choose, as she is a good friend to him apart from in this instance. Then, the other day, she convinced him not to tell me that they were going on a random road trip, so the next day i tried calling him, and he said he had slept overnight with her, in a motel, in the same bed because it was too late for them to drive home.I know he would do anything, but he is too niave to see what she is doing, that she is manipulative and is trying to push me to my limits so i end the relationship.

I would really appreciate some advice, because this is causing me alot of heart ache and i would love to know what the best way to handle it is. Thanks.

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I can really see why this is upsetting for you but let me show you the situation from a different angle.


First of all for the record, I'm all for opposite sex friendships and also for keeping in touch with exes.


The problem here - as you can probably see it yourself already but are too scared to admit - is your boyfriend. He is the one responsible for making decisions that affect your relationship.


I understand why he wouldn't want to break off a friendship with somebody just because the other person and you don't get on. I'm also sure that he didn't cheat on you.


However, there are two people in a relationship, he should be mature enough to understand where the limits are and take your feelings into account. Asking you to put up with a mean friend ok fine. Lie about a roadtrip and then spend the night with her when that clearly upsets you??


See what I mean? Sorry to sound tough but if he doesn't show basic consideration towards you, he has to go. It's selfish and it maybe the case that he is not ready for a serious or committed relationship

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Tell him the anger is building, but in a casually manner. Then if you see her beat the **** out of her. Like catfight status claw her face off with your nails. He'll get the message. If he leaves, then he isn't worth your time.

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