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After hangin with my girls


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I'm not bashing men by any means


Okay first off every guy I have dated and every guy my girl friends have dated have that little saying about how girls shouldn't listen to their friends when it comes to their relationship. I'm sure you ladies can relate.


Well, I was listening to my girls last night and they all said how they had heard this statement from their guys (so have I) but how hard it is for them not to listen to the gossip about their men. Like finding out if the guy was out and with who and where and gossip like that...or what their guy has said about them when they aren't around. And I admired them when they would try and act like what they heard wasn't bothering them. Just a rumor right?


Well I noticed a long time ago how seriouse the guys are about their girls asking them if they want to know something but never to listen to anything they have heard.


(I am the only girl who is somewhat one of the guys...well...when my man isn't around)



So I began to honestly take that to heart and as often as I could turn a deaf ear towards rumors.


Well I met some of my guy friends for a drink after hours last night and they are worse then my girls! They were gossiping like a cgroup of old hens. Then when they heard something they didn't like they would question their girl...no..no...accuse their girl!


This totally blew my mind! Do guys or don't guys think that gossip is gossip and should never be taken to heart or is that just a front to keep them from getting in any trouble?

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YOU ASK: "Do guys or don't guys think that gossip is gossip and should never be taken to heart or is that just a front to keep them from getting in any trouble?



Mature men don't listen to gossip. Until the day you die, there will ALWAYS be certain people around, called "shxt stirrers," who will say and do things to try to cause problems or break people up. You have to rise above this and stay away from people who do that.


If you hear something regarding your partner you don't like and you feel it must be investigated, ask you partner about it. If you don't trust your partner at the time, get rid of them. Life is way too short to go around listening to BS and not knowing whether it's true to not.


People who spread gossip are worthless. There isn't even any good reason whatsoever to talk about a friend's partners past that you may know about. That's baby stuff that goes on in kindergarten.


The world is supposed to be going forward. Isn't there some way we can get beyond this type of petty crap and have relationships evolve into a new age of trust and honesty....or is this kid's stuff gonna go on forever???

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I gave up listening to the shxt about a year ago. I have told all my friends that unless you personally were there and know for sure you didn't misinterpurt what you saw then by all means feel free to "warn" me but not tell me. My life has been so much calmer and easy going and care free with out the he said she said crap. (With exception of my April Fool joke.)



I was just down right amazed at what I was hearing and witnessing. It was crazy to see my guy friends acting like my girl friends!


Glad I am hard of hearing and ADHD...makes it much easier to forget what others say!

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i have lots of guy friends, and lemme tell you, they're just as bad if not worse than girls, when it comes to gossip.


i think it's partially an age-thing. when it's the date-craze and everybody's trying to get some, and people are changing bfs/gfs every months - everybody is talking about everybody.


once people get a bit older, start taking their love-life a bit more seriously, they stop the gossip, because they see how silly it is ...


just some thoughts,


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Glad I am hard of hearing and ADHD...makes it much easier to forget what others say!


ROTFL!!!! Good on ya! :)

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Mature men don't listen to gossip.

Make that mature PEOPLE don't listen to gossip.


I know a couple of the younger people in my office get together and rank on their bf's & gf's, but it doesn't seem that they really take it to heart.


I don't remember doing much of that when I was younger and dating and hanging out with my friends. It seems like we had more fun things to do than to hurt other people's feelings, but we did some gossip ("did you see those pants so&so wore?" that kind of thing)


I don't recall any of the boys talking to us about gossip. I saw that on an epsiode of I Love Lucy though!

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