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i love her very much cant forget her


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friend please help me i m in very critical situation. I love a girl and I praposed her before six months but she rejected that there is no future in this relation for us.she said that she has some family problem,her family will not allow and wat are you today so that i should select you.I can get some better option than u in the future.But now i come to know that reason was not this.Reason was that she loves someone else but at that time she didn't tell me this.I asked her many times but she refused saying that such feelings cant come in my heart for anyone and u have selected a wrong person.U will repent on ur this step. But at that time i just accepted whatever she had said bcoz she was saying that hwer family will not allow only this is the problem.So i decided that i will not talk about this matter now before getting something in my career then i will make her family understand and my feelings became stronger n stronger everyday for her.My condition is that every second she is my mind.wenever i close my eyes only she cames.Whatever gud i do about my career i want that she achieve the peak in every field.I have very true feelings for her.I want to give her everykind of pleasure in this world to her.Really i miss her more than my family.But before somedays i came to her that she loves someone else and that also through my friend.she told him but not to me. That guy also knows me.Before i praposed her he was my online friend bcoz our campuses are different and they both r in d same campus.He knows that i love her.When i asked him he too said that they both are just friend and i have my girlfrined in my hometown.He also said me that you shud not have praposed her bcoz she is not interested in u.You shud just enjoy life with girls dont bcome so serious.I dont know now he also loves her or exploiting her.But she is saying i havent any feeling for u and i like him very much. so tell me where i am wrong.I love her very much .I tried many times to foreget her but i miss much at that time wen i think to forget her.As far as i think he is using her for time pass. I am not able to think wat shud i do.I m not paying proper attention to my studies also due to this.I feel very much hurting that why she told lie at that time if she had said then my feeling wudnt have become so stronger for her.I didnt come between both of them.Now she doesnt talk to me .Wenever i meet her n want to talk her she talks so formaly that it hurts me very much.She is not getting out of my mind even for a single moment.Her image is so respected in my heart that watever she do with me never ill feelings come to my mind for her.Noone can superimpose her now. I m dying every moment.Before sleeping,after getting up in studies in my dreams too she n only she comes in my mind. So plzzzzzzzzzzz give me the solution how shud i come out from this condition thanks!!!!!!!!1

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It would be best if you don't see your friend and the girl as this will give you opportunity to go No Contact, trying to forget about her little bit everyday. She does have the right to reject you as well as you have the right to reject someone else. Try to forget her.

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Sorry, you want her like mad, but she is acting like girls do when they rip out your heart and rip it apart in front of you. It is in vain to continue speaking with her. Just listen to death metal. That's all you can do. Proposing was a big step, but you must care about her a lot. It is the yankee effects of modern day society. Evolution is trying to help you out with those emotions and feelings, but her bein a yankee she is shortening your life. She probably wouldnt care if you died tomarrow.


Good song to listen to "body crumbles" by Drycell.


Sorry, but it is infinite pain forever.

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Everything that you are telling yourself is keeping you stuck in this situation. You tell yourself 'He is just using her', 'He doesnt love her like I do', 'She can do no wrong in my eyes', and YOU KEEP SPEAKING TO HER. You are going all the wrong way about getting over her.

Firstly, you must accept the situation. She has not only rejected your proposal, but she likes somebody else. Once you have accepted this you can be free. If she does not reciprocate your feelings, it only means that you are free to find the one who does.

You are stuck in continual resistance, and therefore, you are not allowing yourself to get over this. Try some simple but practical techniques, like firstly DO NOT SPEAK TO HER. Every time you speak to her you are hoping for a different reality than what is. That means that not only are you mentally resisting what is, you are also resisting with your actions.

Secondly, everytime she pops into your mind, even if it is all the time, visualise her becoming smaller and further away from you, and try to make her image black and white, rather than colour. This is a well known NLP technique. Even if the images and thoughts of her seem more frequent at first, it does work soon enough, and it stops the cycle of thought that keeps you trapped in this.

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