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Crushing on another guy?

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I'm dating a wonderful man but lately I've been feeling atracted to another guy. I have no intentions on cheating but I feel weird wanting to see this guy and strike a casual conversation.


Could it be that I don't love my guy? Does this happens to everybody else?

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1. "Could it be that I don't love my guy?"


Not at all. As long as your heart is beating and your brain is putting out electrical impulses, you will be attracted to other males in some fashion or another despite your love for one person. The reason for getting into a committed relationship is for both parties to agree, one to the other, not to act on these attractions.


In the initial stages of falling in love, most people are not attracted to members of the opposite sex except for their love interest. But after a time, they start noticing others again. If your current guy is kind, respectful, considerate, etc., you ought to keep him. This other guy you're attracted to and want to talk to could be a first class butthole.


2. "Does this happens to everybody else?"


Not everybody...but close to it.

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jus becuz ur goin out with sum guy doesnt mean that u cant lay ur eyes on sumone else that seems attractive. it happens to everyone so dont worry. its not a big deal =)

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