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How can i stop being so Jealous..?

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I don't know if this is a big deal or not, but my Gf shes still friends with her ex and all and she only gives him a hug when he's sad, but everytime she does i feel hurt on the inside and get jealous and i dont know what to do, and when i spoke to her about it, i almost lost her over it :( and i don't know what to do now, or who to turn to for advice.. can someone please help me out alittle to get over it..?

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seems like shes either got feelings for her ex or she feels safer to talking to her bout her issues but if she had the issues then ur there to support her not for her to argue bout and nearly break up bout it. i think u love her and you want to help her. maybe she needs to think wat she wants you or him coz it doesnt seem like she can tlk to you about nething, so whats the point on being together. :( bad thing to think but maybe u shud think wat u want out of a proper relationship huni

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ask her if she wants a hug when shes upset or even happy then she shud come to you not go to ex sounds like shes being ridiculous and not taking ur feelings into consideration:mad:

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he said she hugged the ex when the EX was sad, not when she is sad.


It is a pity act. She is just being nice same as she would to a female friend who was sad. He might be playing it up to get the hug. But really.........how hot is a pitiful guy? Not as hot as an up-beat guy or confident guy. But you're not being up-beat guy or confident guy either. Instead, if you talk to her about it again, be less tense about it. And let the talk end with you putting your arms around her and saying "But I like THESE arms around you" and a fun wrestling match on the bed.

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