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I have breast cancer

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I will be getting my chest (or what is left of it) tattooed when I heal from the radiation. Haven't decided yet what to do,


The logo of LS.org!! hehe hehe..


LB, Happy Easter - I hope you had a fantastic day.

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Here is a random question. Just a silly speculation:


Since I won't have breasts (just two horizontal scars), will going about topless still be considered nudity?


When you're really emotionally ready and I mean REALLY READY - Go topless and just laugh at people's reactions. I'm sure you'd get tons, from both women, men and children..Hey, I smell a documentary in the works..:laugh::p

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White Flower

Hey, if guys can do it so can girls. Go topless.


What design are you going to have tattooed on your chest? What are you into? It sounds really interesting.


Keep up the strength--you inspire us all.

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What design are you going to have tattooed on your chest? What are you into? It sounds really interesting.


I'm not sure yet. I've been playing around with a Virgin Mary/Santa Muerte theme. It will be a long while yet before my body can handle a tattoo, but I have to book the artist WAY in advance.


Today, I placed a call to my oncologist to try and get him to put me on Adderall to cut through this horrible chemo brain fog. I will not be able to focus and concentrate on work otherwise. I'm really hoping he'll put me on it.

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Here is a random question. Just a silly speculation:


Since I won't have breasts (just two horizontal scars), will going about topless still be considered nudity? :laugh:


I don't see how they could arrest you or give you a ticket. Just tell them there is insaficiant(?) evidence. :D:laugh:

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White Flower
I don't see how they could arrest you or give you a ticket. Just tell them there is insaficiant(?) evidence. :D:laugh:



I love a person who knows when they're probably wrong.;)

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LB, you are totally unfreakinbelievable !!!


and I mean that in the BEST way possible :)

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Ok, the day approaches! I had my consult today and my surgery will be April 11th. I am having both breasts removed, my lymph nodes removed and my port removed. I will have to wear a special post surgery bra to keep a tight tension on the area for a couple or three weeks, and will have drains in for about three weeks. My surgeon will decide after the pathology report comes back whether or not I will need radiation. Either way is fine with me. I'm just ready to get this on the road!

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Ok, the day approaches! I had my consult today and my surgery will be April 11th. I am having both breasts removed, my lymph nodes removed and my port removed. I will have to wear a special post surgery bra to keep a tight tension on the area for a couple or three weeks, and will have drains in for about three weeks. My surgeon will decide after the pathology report comes back whether or not I will need radiation. Either way is fine with me. I'm just ready to get this on the road!


On April 11th.. we'll all think of you and send you HUGE group vibes.. you'll be OK..


I wish you all the best.. you're a survivor.. you'll win over cancer.. :)

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Ok, the day approaches! I had my consult today and my surgery will be April 11th. I am having both breasts removed, my lymph nodes removed and my port removed. I will have to wear a special post surgery bra to keep a tight tension on the area for a couple or three weeks, and will have drains in for about three weeks. My surgeon will decide after the pathology report comes back whether or not I will need radiation. Either way is fine with me. I'm just ready to get this on the road!


That's good LB. I'll be thinking of you April 11th! Yup, On the 11th we should have a LS group prayer (for those who pray), group chanting (for those who chant), group positive thoughts for you. OH man, who am I kidding, we all know it'll just turn into one big LS orgy! :p;):laugh:


Seriously LB, you're handling this so well! Your strength is amazing!

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Hi LB, coming to this a bit (38 pages) late. Keep reading, in awe of your humour and strength, not knowing what to say. In awe, that kind of sums it up.

My very dear friend went through a mastectomy, chemo and radiation a couple of years ago. And like you, she was such a trooper through the whole thing. She also had her ovaries removed and had to go through the hell of a surgical menopause, all in her late thirties, with three little boys running in circles around her. Brought us closer, if that is possible, but I wish the fu#king thing had never happened, of course. She is alive, super-well and a fireball of energy, much as you seem to be. She'll be at five years cancer free in a year.

I don't know what I want to say except that you are amazing, and if I ever have to go through anything similar (which is NOT unlikely, if you look at cancer statistics) I hope I handle it with half your grace and wit. And I think the tattoo idea is fantastic. Perhaps some Georgia O'Keefe full-blown flowers, full of beauty and knowledge, like yourself?

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I just got a call from my surgeon's office. There was an opening for surgery for this Wednesday, April 2nd! So, I took it. It is sooner than I expected, but I'm ready to get this show on the road. It means that I will be able to go back to work sooner, which is a good thing.


I am in a bit of a shock - this gives me only a couple of days to ready myself and most of tomorrow will be taken up with bloodwork and paperwork.


Hoo boy. I'm ready.

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Me too, I'll be thinking of you..


Better to get this done now and get it over with, that way you can heal, and be able to enjoy the summer. (if it ever comes!)


As soon as you're up to posting, please give an update.



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Hi there! Good luck! It's great you're getting it so early!


If you ever want/need to hear some amazing recovery stories, get in touch. I have a few :)

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WOW that is awesome that you don't have to wait as long.


I'll be also thinking of you & I will also pass on a BIG HUG!!!!!!!

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They're going to have to break out the special titanium-alloy scalpels, because the usual instruments would go dull too quickly on this woman of steel.

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I'm so happy you took the earlier date that came up. My intuition tells me the sooner you get it done, the better. Less chance of even a single cell if left behind to multiply. Will be wishing you the best tomorrow!!

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Well, tomorrow is the big day.


I check in at ten am and the surgery will begin around twelve thirty or one. I'll be in overnight, and will be back home Thursday morning. I am dreading the hospital mainly because of the smell. When I would go there for chemo I developed an aversion to the smell of the hospital and especially to the smell of the food trays they bring into your room. :sick: The food isn't bad, but chemo messes with your smell and taste and there are a lot of things now that I literally get nauseated from when I smell or think of eating. :sick:


Tonight exH and our daughter went to the Outback for dinner, and then I came home and am doing laundry and getting ready to pack for the week (I'll be staying with exH), getting the place cleaned up, and getting last minute stuff together.


My phone has been ringing off the hook tonight. Busy, busy, busy.


I expect tomorrow when I wake up I'll be posting from a bit more nervous perspective...

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Good luck LB.. we'll send all our good vibes tomorrow...


Only one night at the hospital? for a big operation like that? that's ridiculous..

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Good luck LB.. we'll send all our good vibes tomorrow...


Only one night at the hospital? for a big operation like that? that's ridiculous..




Yes, it is ridiculous - I actually only get 23 hours. That's "insurance" for you. :mad: I guess I'm lucky I get even that.

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I'll be thinking of you tomorrow. I wish you the best and I will be waiting to hear from you again.


As I have said before, you are an inspiration to me.

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I can't believe 23 hours...I know, the insurance thing, but what about what's best for the patient...It's crazy!! I wish you lived in Canada right now..


I hope you get some rest tonight. You're in my thoughts LB.

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