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Okay I got ganged up on

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Bobby NoBrains

I think you've got not-so-nice in-laws. But, wth, the family comes with the marriage, and unless your husband, and you for your side of the family, are ready to live an isolated life, you will just have to make the best of what you have, on both sides of the family.


Your MIL should have some respect for you, but your husband is more responsible for the overnight staying fiasco. I agree he should have consulted you, but maybe he's not able to stand up to his mom, or maybe he just assumed you wouldn't mind. If you let him know you'd like to be consulted next time, maybe he will try to make sure it isn't repeated. Sometimes we tend to take our spouses for granted, and this seems to be one of those times.


About the strawberries, I agree that was dangerous, especially in view of the doctor's warnings. Luckily nothing bad happened, otherwise that could have been serious. That was a very incorrect thing to do on their part. Almost callous, sorry to have to say. I am sure you can put your foot down for such an incident. And if they are sensible they (and your husband) would understand.


I think you need to make an effort to have a better relationship with your in-laws. They may not like you, but unless they are seriously prejudiced against you, perhaps you could try to win them over ... Understand, all grand-parents will be grand-parent-like. They will shamelessly spoil the children, usually without consulting the parents. You might also hear things like "We weren't so strict with <husband's name> and he dint turn out too bad" or "I'm sure your parents weren't so strict with you either", etc.. Take it with a pinch of salt. Unless you're *sure* that they are *against* you, try not to interpret their non-cooperative behaviour as being aggressive towards you. Sometimes it's about being grand-parents, sometimes about being in-laws, sometimes about being older (generation gap?), sometimes just about you not understanding or them not being able to communicate more effectively.


I think most people here would have their own stories to tell about in-laws, it's just how you deal with them that matters. If they are worth it, try to improve relations. If not, try to be cordial and let it lie. Hopefully your hubby will understand and support you in all this. Otherwise you'll still have to do it, just alone, heh.


Good luck, and chin up, girl :)


Just my two bits ..



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