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Married flirting

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I can't forget someone I met on a trip out. I know I shouldn't feel this way, but I enjoyed his attention and his company, enjoyed flirting and laughing with him... It was just a fun time, nothing more. I'm not the kind of person to go behind the back and cheat on my husb, but getting another men's attention felt overpowering :confused: . We've been together for six years and what we have is great. I know we're lucky that way. But sometimes I feel we've got to be too comfortable. Don't some of you ladies want to flirt sometimes and get men's attention, to know that you've still got it going on?? Maybe I just need to get more friends in my life or go out a bit more. I don't know, but what I do is that I could feel chemistry in b/w our eyes and it scared me.

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It's perfectly normal to feel that way. It's what you do with that feeling that counts. You can choose to take that feeling and pour that passion back into your marriage and your husband or you can screw it up and step outside the marriage. The choice is yours.


What I would do though is take that passion and desire and redirect it where it should go. Be turned on by the fact that other men find you attractive. Nothing wrong with that. But try to recapture that feeling that you first had with your husband. You can do that.


USE this experience for good. Don't let it scare you. Good can come of it if you let it.

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Thanks Touche for your response, it's quiet helpful :)


You're very welcome. And yes, I speak from experience. I've been faithful and loyal to my husband for almost 13 years now and I know exactly how you're feeling. You'll be fine. Sexual passion in a marriage waxes and wanes. It's just that so many people stray during the waning periods. It doesn't have to go that way if you don't let it.


Glad I can be of some help. I hope you keep posting. And welcome to LS!

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I notice attractive women all the time but I know it is not worth ruining my marriage. It would be a big mistake if you act on this and it will cause a lot of drama in your life. Be glad that you still can flirt but move on and don't act on it.

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Touche you're a very beautiful woman looking at your picture! It's great you've been married for almost 13 years, congratulations and many more happy years together! You must be a psychologist 'cause I feel much better now. We'll be fine yeah, neither one of us is the straying kind, but we both enough attention from opposite sex. I feel I'm in the best shape of my life and turning heads is fun while I still can! I think my husband feels proud too to 'take me out' & know he's THE man!

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Touche you're a very beautiful woman looking at your picture! It's great you've been married for almost 13 years, congratulations and many more happy years together! You must be a psychologist 'cause I feel much better now. We'll be fine yeah, neither one of us is the straying kind, but we both enough attention from opposite sex. I feel I'm in the best shape of my life and turning heads is fun while I still can! I think my husband feels proud too to 'take me out' & know he's THE man!


Wow, that's so nice of you to say. I've since taken my picture off but I really appreciate that. And no, I'm not a psychologist, just a regular person who understands what you're experiencing.


I think it's great that you both can be attractive to the other sex but can still be faithful to each other. That makes you guys really special.

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